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[【学科前沿】] 抗类风湿性关节炎药物可降低心脏病发作风险

eye2009 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-3-14 11:59:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Arthritis pill cuts heart attack risk: study
LONDON (Reuters) - A once-a-week pill to treat rheumatoid arthritis significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke for people with the painful joint condition, an

international team of researchers said on Thursday.


The findings published in the journal Arthritis & Therapy provides further evidence of the benefits of the generic drug methotrexate and underscores the importance of prescribing it early on, the researchers said.

研究人员在《Arthritis & Therapy》杂志上称,这项研究结果进一步证实了非专利药物甲氨喋呤的有效性,并强调了患者早期服用该药的重要性。

\"This shows that we are really making a difference in patients' lives,\" said Tuulikki Sokka, a researcher at Jyvaskyla Central Hospital in Finland, who worked on the study.

芬兰Jyvaskyla中心医院的研究人员 Tuulikki Sokka说,“这表明我们真正使患者的生活产生了不同。”

About 20 million people worldwide have rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease caused when the body confuses healthy tissue for foreign substances and attacks itself.

类风湿性关节炎是一种自身免疫性疾病,身体无法区分健康组织和外来物质,而对自身组织产生损害。 全世界大约有2000万人罹患本病。

Some drugs used to treat it reduce inflammation directly while others tone down immune system response -- leaving patients vulnerable to infections and cancer.


Methotrexate was developed as a cancer drug and works by altering the body's use of folic acid, which is needed for cell growth. It may begin to work as early as three to six weeks after treatment starts.


The results are part of a long-term study of more than 4,300 people in 15 countries examining the causes and effects of rheumatoid arthritis and the potential benefits of


The team -- which included researchers from Spain, Argentina and the United States -- adjusted for traditional risk factors such as exercise, smoking and diabetes and found potential health benefits for people given methotrexate


Using methotrexate for one year cut the risk of heart attack by 18 percent and the risk of a stroke by 11 percent, the researchers said.

研究人员称,服用一年甲氨喋呤,心脏病发作风险降低18 %,卒中风险降低11%。

Results also suggested that newer drugs that block an inflammatory protein called tumor necrosis factor, or TNF, were also effective at reducing heart attack and stroke risk, although more research is needed, Sokka said.


This class of drugs includes Johnson & Johnson's Remicade, Amgen Inc's Enbrel, and Abbott Laboratories Inc's Humira. The drugs are expensive, which is why people often do not get them right away.


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