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[【学科前沿】] CT筛选肺癌和心脏病之争议?

发表于 2008-3-6 15:41:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
February 8, 2008, 11:17 am
Pushing Back Against CT Screening
Posted by Jacob Goldstein

In medicine, doing nothing is often better than doing something. So we should proceed with caution before endorsing CT scans to screen for lung cancer and heart disease, a Boston Globe op-ed argues this morning.

Wariness is especially appropriate because those pushing the scans may be motivated in part by the “possibility of a reimbursement bonanza,” writes Jerome Kassirer, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and the author of a book critical of the relationship between medicine and industry.
在这里特别的需要小心谨慎,这是因为那些推动初筛的动机可能包括”偿还一座金矿的可能性”(这句不是很懂…).Jerome Kassirer写到,他是一名新英格兰医学杂志的编辑,并且撰写了一本主要反应医学及工业关系的书.

Some of the most vocal backers of using CT to screen smokers for lung cancer have business ties that could benefit from more screening, as the Health Blog has reported. And Kassirer notes that big groups — The American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, the American College of Chest Physicians and the American Cancer Society — have remained circumspect, arguing there’s not enough evidence to justify screening.

Screening sounds good on its face. What’s the harm in trying to catch disease early, while its harmful effects might still be prevented? Well, for starters, screening exposes patients to the radiation of the test itself as well as risks associated with often unnecessary follow-up tests. And it’s expensive, which matters in an era when it’s becoming clear that we can’t pay for everything.

“We are nearly at the limit of our expenditures on medical care; we don’t need more expenses for tests that have been tainted by possible financial bias,” Kassirer writes. “We must remember who will pay for all these additional tests: you and me.”
“我们对于医疗保健的支出已经接近极限了; 我们不需要在那些已经被可能出现财务问题的检查上花费更多.”Kassirer写到.”我们必须记得谁会为那些不必要的检查付账:是你我.

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