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[【学科前沿】] 人工甜味剂增加食欲让体重失控

发表于 2008-3-2 23:17:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
      Sugar Substitutes May Contribute to Weight Gain

  MONDAY, Feb. 11 (HealthDay News) -- Surprising research suggests a popular artificial sweetener has the unexpected and unwelcome effect of packing on the pounds.
   据美国“每日健康”(HealthDay News)网站二月11日报道:惊人的研究发现普遍使用的一种人造甜味剂有意想不到和不受欢迎的副作用-增加体重。
  Purdue researchers report that saccharin altered the ability of rats to control their appetites. However, the head of an artificial sweetener trade group scoffed at the findings, saying they don't necessarily translate to humans.
   普渡的研究员报告, 糖精改变了大鼠控制它们胃口的能力。然而,人造甜味剂贸易集团的一个头脑嘲笑该研究结果, 说没有必要怀疑同样的事会发生在人身上。
  \"We found that the rats that were getting artificially sweetened yogurt gained more weight and ate more food,\" said study author Susan Swithers, an associate professor of psychological sciences at the Ingestive Behavior Research Institute at Purdue University. \"The take-home message is that consumption of artificially sweetened products may interfere with an automatic process.\"
   我们发现食用添加了人造甜味剂的酸奶的大鼠体重增加并且吃的更多,\" 普渡大学摄食行为研究所心理科学副教授综述作者Susan-Swithers, \"实际情况是, 吃了代糖食品,可能会影响到自然过程。”
  That process, she said, involves the body's ability to detect that it will soon be full. \"We often will stop eating before we've been able to absorb all of the calories that come from a meal. One of the reasons we might stop eating is that our experience has taught in the past that, 'After I eat this food, I'll feel this full for this long,' \" she explained.
   这个自然过程是指什么呢? 她解释说,这一过程涉及到人体意识到即将吃饱的这个能力。“我们在能够吸收到一餐所提供的所有卡里路之前,通常就会停止进食。这其中的一个原因是,我们的经验告诉我们,吃完这个食物,我接下来的多久就大概会饱到何种程度。”
  It seems to be a subconscious process based on automatic estimations of how much energy certain foods will provide, she said. For example, a sweet taste might be a sign that \"calories are coming, and I should prepare my body for the arrival of those calories.\" However, when the sweetness is not followed by a lot of calories, the body's digestive system gets confused, and the metabolism rate does not gear up as much the next time sweetness is tasted.
  人的这种感觉和能力是可能是潜意识的。比如说,人吃了甜的东西,头脑会发出 “卡路里来了,我的身体应该做好准备”的信号。但是,如果这个甜味之后,卡路里并没有跟进,人体的消化系统就会出现紊乱,下次感觉到甜的时候,新陈代谢水平就可能达不到应有水平。
  To test this theory, the researchers fed two different types of plain Dannon yogurt to male rats. Some received yogurt sweetened with glucose, a form of sugar, while others ate saccharin-sweetened yogurt. All also ate unsweetened yogurt.
  The rats who ate artificially sweetened yogurt consumed more food overall and gained more weight. The body temperatures of those rats also didn't rise as high as the others. \"That might be a kind of measure of energy expenditure, suggesting not only are the animals eating more calories, they may be expending or burning up fewer calories,\" Swithers said.
   实验中,吃代糖酸奶的老鼠,消耗的食物总量要比吃葡萄糖酸奶的老鼠多,体重也升得更多。此外,吃代糖酸奶的老鼠,体温升得也没有吃葡萄糖老鼠得高。 Susan Swithers 说:“这可能是测试能量消耗的一种方法,体温低表明这些动物虽然吸收入更多的卡路里,但同时能量消耗没有另外的老鼠多。”
 The findings were published in the February issue of Behavioral Neuroscience.

 Essentially, she said, it appears that the bodies of the rats are learning to not expect much in the way of calories from sweet foods. \"The artificial sweetener provides the signal that not as many calories are going to come, and the animal responds by consuming more calories.\"
  实际上, 她说, 看起来大鼠没有学会从甜食中摄取卡路里。“代糖没有提供给老鼠‘卡路里要来’的信号,所以老鼠就消耗了更多的卡路里。”
 As for humans, she said, previous research has provided conflicting indications about whether obesity is a bigger problem among people who use artificial sweeteners.
According to her, launching a similar study among people would be difficult, because few have never encountered artificial sweeteners before. The next step, she said, is to do more research in rats.
Lyn Nabors, president of the Calorie Control Council trade group, lambasted the study, saying it has \"no basis in science\" and \"no relation to the human experience whatsoever.\"
  普渡大学的这项研究遭到了代糖贸易组织的强烈抨击。贸易组织卡路里控制协会的负责人 Lyn Nabors 称,该研究“没有科学根据”,“与人类的经验没有关系”。
Artificial sweeteners can help people lose weight, she said. \"The scientific community firmly believes that calories in, calories out is what makes a difference. The recommendation is that you reduce calories and exercise if you want to lose weight.\"

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