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[【学科前沿】] 延长寿命的争论

发表于 2008-2-27 11:08:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


研究人员已经使面包酵母(baker' s yeast)能够活到800岁且无明显副作用。通过结合膳食和遗传变化完成的这一基础而重要的发现使科学家向控制所有生命系统的单位--细胞的生存与健康又迈进了一步。南加州大学的研究带头人Valter Longo教授认为:\"我们正在建立重新编撰健康生活的基础\"。

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国家老化学院(NIA)遗传和细胞生物分部的部长、Longo教授项目的官员Anna McCormick补充道,我得说10倍是非常巨大的一个数字。国家老化学院正资助该项研究,希望通过开发出可以模拟Longo教授及其他人使用的延长寿命的技术的药物,延长人类的健康寿命。





此研究成果发表于1月25日的PLOS Genetics期刊上

原文出处http://genetics.plosjournals.org ... 040013.eor&ct=1


Calorie restriction-induced life span extension depends on Rim15 and stress response transcription factors downstream of Ras/cAMP/PKA, Tor and Sch9

Min Wei1, Paola Fabrizio1, Hu Jia1, Huanying Ge1, Chao Cheng1, Lei Li1, Valter Longo1¤

1 University of Southern California, United States of America

Calorie restriction, the only non-genetic intervention known to slow aging and extend life span in organisms ranging from yeast to mice, has been linked to the down-regulation of Tor, Akt, and Ras signaling. In this study, we demonstrate that the serine/threonine kinase Rim15 is required for yeast chronological life span extension associated with the deficiencies in Tor and Ras signaling, and show that it is also required for the longevity promoting effect of both extreme (water) and standard (0.5% glucose) calorie restriction. Deletion of stress resistance transcription factors Gis1 and Msn2/4, which are positively regulated by Rim15, also caused a major although not complete reversion of the effect of calorie restriction on life span. Surprisingly, the lack of Rim15 only partially decreased the 10-fold life span extension caused by the combination of CR and the deletion of both RAS2 and SCH9/AKT. These results suggest that Rim15 functions as a central regulator of stress resistance and longevity downstream of the Ras/cAMP/PKA, Tor and Sch9 pathways during calorie restriction. Transcription factors Msn2, Msn4, and Gis1 are also important for Rim15-dependent life span extension but that additional mediators are involved.


Shanley DP, Kirkwood TB.2006. Caloric restriction does not enhance longevity. Biogerontology. 2006 Jun;7(3):165-8. Calorie restriction is known to increase lifespan in many but not all species and may perhaps not do so in humans. Exceptions to life extension have been identified in the laboratory and others are known in nature. Given the variety of physiological responses to variation in food supply that are possible, evolutionary life history theory indicates that an increased investment in maintenance in response to resource shortage will not always be the strategy that maximises Darwinian fitness. Additionally, for the well-studied species in which life extension is observed, there is considerable variation in the response. This suggests that it is not an ancient ancestral response, which has been conserved across the species range. Although calorie restriction does not increase lifespan in all species, it remains a fascinating and valuable tool to study ageing at the whole organism level.

Kirkwood TB. 2008. A systematic look at an old problem. Nature 451, 644-647 (7 February 2008). As life expectancy increases, a systems-biology approach is needed to ensure that we have a healthy old age.

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