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[[资源推荐]] 学会自我激励(5)

发表于 2008-1-15 19:48:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Learn to see that your setbacks, failures, and relapses are temporary. Failure is not all bad. Actually, it is probably the only way to become successful. The obstacles, setbacks, and stumbling blocks are an anticipated aspect of any journey. Failure is really just feedback telling you to adjust your plan or to try a new approach. One of the most important things about failure is deciding to look at what happened, modify your plan or goal, and then move on to your next action step. 要知道你经受的挫折、失败和情况恶化都是暂时的。失败不一定都是坏事。其实,失败也许是成功的唯一途径。障碍、挫折和绊脚石在任何旅途上都会出现。失败其实是一种反馈,告诉你该调整计划或尝试新方法。 关于失败,最重要的一点是要看看发生了什么,然后修改计划或目标,再采取下一步行动。

When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts or acting in ways that decrease your motivation, take a deep breath, relax, and begin again. There is no need to be perfect or think positively all the time. The point is to notice when you engage in self-limiting behavior and then challenge yourself. You could ask, \"Are the things I am thinking or saying to myself true?\" \"Are my actions bringing me more energy and determination?\" Then use the tips above to replace your limiting thoughts and behaviors with statements and actions designed to make you feel better about yourself and life. 当你发现自己有消极想法或会减少动力的行为的时候,做一个深呼吸,放松一下,然后重新再来。你不必每分每秒都做到完美或积极地思考。当你发现自己没有尽全力的时候,就该向自己发出挑战。你可以问自己:”我现在想着的或告诉自己的话是真的吗?“ ”我的行为给我更多的精力和决心吗?“ 然后再用前文提供的方法.
                             Annabel 编辑.

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