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[[资源推荐]] 短语动词学习(L)

happy4ever 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-1-11 15:59:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
lay off (separable): dismiss someone from a job because of lack of work or money (not because of poor performance)
[blockquote]\"I feel really sorry Sally's family. Her father was laid off yesterday.\"
leave out (separable): forget; omit.
[blockquote]\"Oh, no! When I made the list of those who attended the meeting, I left your name out!\"
let down (separable): disappoint.
[blockquote]\"I know I let you down when I didn't do what I promised. I'm really sorry.\"
let up (no object): become less intense or slower.
[blockquote]\"It's been raining hard for a long time. Will it ever let up?\"
look back on (inseparable): remember; reflect on / consider something in the past.
[blockquote]\"When they looked back on their many years together, they realized that their marriage had been a very happy one.\"
look down on (inseparable): hold in contempt; regard as inferior.
[blockquote]\"It's not surprising that Fred has few friends. He seems to look down on anyone who doesn't like the same things that he does.\"
look forward to (inseparable): anticipate pleasantly; think about a pleasant thing before it happens
[blockquote]\"I'm really looking forward to vacation. I can't wait for it to begin!\"
look in on (inseparable): visit in order to check something's / someone's condition.
[blockquote]\"My father just came home from the hospital. I plan to look in on him today after I finish work.\"
look into (inseparable): investigate / get more details about something.
[blockquote]\"Someone said there was a meeting at 9:30 but I haven't heard anything about it. Shall I look into it?\"
look like (inseparable): resemble (in appearance).
[blockquote]\"Does he look like his father or his mother?\"
look over (separable): check; review.
[blockquote]\"I think I may have some typos in this report. Could you look it over?\"
look up (1. separable): find something in a reference work.
[blockquote]\"I'm sorry, but I don't know what that word means. I'll have to look it up.\"
look up (2. separable): find where someone lives or works and visit him/her.
[blockquote]\"Thanks for giving me your brother's address. When I'm in Chicago next month, I'll be sure to look him up.\"
look up to (inseparable): respect.
[blockquote]\"Everyone looks up to Joyce because she always makes time to help others.\"
luck out (no object): be unexpectedly lucky.
[blockquote]\"Gloria was worried because she wasn't prepared to give a report at the meeting, but she lucked out because the meeting was postponed.\"

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