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[[资源推荐]] 短语动词学习(I-K)

happy4ever 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-1-10 13:51:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

iron out (separable): mutually reach an agreement; mutually resolve difficulties

\"Yes, I know we disagree on lots of things, Susan, but we can iron them out.\"


jack up (1. separable): raise / life by using a jack.
[blockquote]\"We'll have to jack the back of the car up before we can change the tire.\"
jack up (2. separable): raise (used for prices).
[blockquote]\"The car dealer bought my old Ford for $750 and jacked the price up to $1,500 when they sold it.\"
[/blockquote]jump all over (inseparable): severely scold someone; berate someone.
[blockquote]\"Arthur is really upset. His boss jumped all over him because he's been late for work three times this week.\"


keep on (1. inseparable--followed by an -ing verb): continue
[blockquote]\"I'm not ready to stop yet. I think I'll keep on working for a while.\"
keep on (someone) (2. inseparable): continue to remind someone to do something until he/she does it (even if this irritates her/him).
[blockquote]\"Bill's very forgetful. You'll have to keep on him or he'll never do all the things you want him to do.\"
kick out (separable): expel; force someone to leave because of his/her poor performance or unacceptable behavior.
[blockquote]\"Jim's club kicked him out because he didn't pay his dues or come to meetings.\"
knock out (separable): make unconscious.
[blockquote]\"The boxing match ended when one boxer knocked the other one out.\"
\"That medicine really knocked me out. I slept for 14 hours straight!\"
knock oneself out (separable): work much harder than normal or than what is expected.
[blockquote]\"We completed the project on timebecause of Chuck. He knocked himself out to be sure we didn't miss the deadline.\"

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