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[【学科前沿】] 去氧肾上腺素:可改善感冒鼻塞症状

发表于 2008-1-5 07:19:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
U.S. panel says data support cold medicines

SILVER SPRING, Maryland (Reuters) - Over-the-counter cold medicines made with phenylephrine appear effective for relieving nasal congestion in adults but the ingredient needs more study, a U.S. advisory panel said on Friday.

Phenylephrine was substituted for pseudoephedrine in many nonprescription cold and allergy medicines, including Johnson & Johnson's Sudafed PE, after the latter ingredient was restricted amid reports of abuse.

Researchers petitioned the government, however, saying there was no evidence phenylephrine worked for relieving a stuffy nose. The Food and Drug Administration asked a panel of outside experts to weigh in.

By an 11-1 vote, the committee said available data was \"supportive\" of the effectiveness of phenylephrine at 10 milligrams, the dose sold over the counter. Members also called for new and larger studies of that dose, mainly because available data came from small studies.

\"The evidence is not conclusive,\" Dr. Mary Tinetti, the panel's chairwoman, told reporters after the meeting.

The committee, in a 9-3 vote, also urged new research to see if a higher 25-milligram dose worked and was safe.

FDA reviewers said seven of 14 studies found a 10-milligram dose of phenylephrine improved resistance inside the nose, a measurement once used to assess congestion. Much of the research on phenylephrine was done in the 1960s and 1970s.

\"Based on the science, which I think was solid but very narrow, we do have seven studies that show significant improvements,\" said panel member Ralph D'Agostino, a Boston University statistician.

Makers of phenylephrine products include J&J, Schering-Plough Corp and Merck & Co Inc.

The manufacturers said phenylephrine had been used safely and effectively by millions for 40 years. Consumers have taken more than 5 billion doses over the past decade, according to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), which represents over-the-counter drugmakers.

The industry will work with the FDA to \"add to the body of evidence for 10 milligrams,\" CHPA President Linda Suydam said.

There are no convincing data that a 25-milligram dose is necessary, CHPA said in a statement.

Phenylephrine's use increased after a 2005 law required that pseudoephedrine products be kept behind the pharmacy counter, a move meant to prevent illegal conversion of pseudoephedrine into the stimulant methamphetamine.

A petition filed with the FDA in February by University of Florida researchers argued that 10 milligrams of phenylephrine had not been proven any better than a placebo at easing nasal congestion. Some research suggested 25 milligrams would work, the petition said.

\"The data available do not support the conclusion that phenylephrine 10-milligrams is effective\" as an oral decongestant, Randy Hatton, a pharmacist at the University of Florida and one of the petitioners, told the advisory panel.

Friday's FDA panel considered only adult use of phenylephrine. The FDA is considering a previous panel recommendation that a variety of over-the-counter cough and cold medicines should not be given to children under 6 because evidence of a benefit is lacking.


在假麻黄碱类药物在药物滥用报告中被限制使用以后,去甲肾上腺素这一成分在很多非处方的感冒药和抗过敏药中替代了包括Johnson & Johnson's Sudafed PE公司的盐酸伪麻黄碱片在内的假麻黄碱类药物。
Mary Tinett医生在会后的记者会上对记者们透露:“证据并非是决定性的,”。Mary Tinett医生是美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)顾问小组的主席。
Ralph D'Agostino是来自波士顿大学的统计学家,也是这个小组的成员,他这样说“基于科学,我所想的是很肯定的,但是同时也是很狭窄的,我们确实有7个研究能够显示去甲肾上腺素有明显的改善。”
CHPA的主席Linda Suydam说:“公司将致力于让美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)“10mg是有效剂量的证据”, CHPA在声明中说,“因为目前没有确切的证据证明25mg的剂量是必须的。”
Randy Hatton博士对美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)这样说:“目前可以引用的数据并不支持10mg的肾上腺素作为口服减充血药是有效的这个结论。” Randy Hatton博士是佛罗里达大学的药理学家,也是这次递交反对意见的研究者之一。

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