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[[资源推荐]] multiple intelligences 多重智能

kaomeiju 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-12-28 10:07:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
multiple intelligences 多重智能

also MI

a theory of intelligence that characterizes human intelligence as having multiple dimensions that must be acknowledged and developed in education. Conceptions of intelligence that dominated earlier in the 20th century, particularly through the influence of the Stanford Binet IQ test, were based on the idea that intelligence is a single, unchanged, inborn capacity. Advocates of Ml argue that there are other equally important intelligences, found in all people in different strengths and combinations. MI thus belongs to the group of instructional philosophies that focus on the differences between learners and the need to recognize learner differences in teaching. The iheory of MI is based on the work of the psychologist Gardner who posits 8 intelligences. 一种关于智力的理论,它认为人类智力是多维的,在教育中必须承认和开发。20世纪早些时期流行的智力概念,特别是由于斯坦福·比内智力测验的影响。是建立在这样的观点上:智力是一种单一的、不会改变的天生的能力。MI的鼓吹者认为存在

1 Linguistic: the ability to use language in special and creative ways, which is something lawyers, writers, editors and interpreters are strong in 语言:以特殊和创造性方式使用语言的能力,这是律师、作家、编辑和口译人员的强项

2 Logical/mathematical: this involves rational thinking and is often found with doctors, engineers, programmers and scientists 逻辑/数学:它涉及理性思维,通常在医生、工程师、程序员和科学家里比较普遍

3 Spatial: this is the ability to form mental models of the world and is something architects, decorators, sculptors and painters are good at 空间: 形成世界的心理模式的能力,建筑师、装饰人员、雌塑家和画家擅长的东西

4 Musical: a good ear for music, as is strong in singers and composers 音乐: 擅长听音乐,歌唱家和作曲家的特长

5 Bodily/kinesthetic: having a well co-ordinated body is something found in athletes and craftspcrsom

6 Interpersonal:this refers to the ability to be able to work well with people and is strong in salespeople, politicians and teachers 人际:指能够和别人一起合作工作的能力,在推销员、政客和教师里常见

7 Intrapersonal: the ability to understand oneself and apply one's talent successfully, which leads to happy and well adjusted people in all areas of life 个人内部:理解自己井能成功利用自己大疑的能力,可在生活各个方面产生快乐和调整良好的人

8 Naturalist: refers to those who understand and organize the patterns of nature 自然主义者:指那些理解并组织自然模式的人

The theory of multiple intelligences has been applied both in general education as well as in language teaching, where an attempt is made to provide learning activities that build on learners' inherent intelligences. 多维智力理论已经被用在普通教育和语言教学中,试图为学习者提供建立在他们内在智力之上的学习活动。


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