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[[资源推荐]] 老外讲述在中国的遭遇:《笑死我的英文书》

发表于 2007-12-20 10:37:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

书的全文链接 :http://lz.book.sohu.com/serialize-id-8729.html








  A Colorful Wolf   彩色的狼≠色狼
  I remember once having a conversation with a friend about relationships and romance in Chinese. My friend then asked me in Chinese,“你的那位朋友不会是色狼吧?” At that time I had only learned a little Chinese and didn’t understand the meaning, so I asked, “What does ‘色狼’mean?”In the best English he could, my friend said:“‘色狼’is a colorful wolf.”
我的朋友用中文问我:“你的那位朋友不会是色狼吧?”那时,我刚学了一点点中文,还不理解他是什么意思,所以我就问:“色狼是什么意思?”我朋友用他认为最恰当的英语说:“‘色狼’is a colorful wolf(色狼就是五颜六色的狼).”
  lecher [ 'letʃə ] n. 好色之徒 sex fiend性恶魔
  sex maniac性欲狂 womanizer [ wʊ:mɚnri:zɚ ] n. 玩女人的人,流氓
  pervert [ pə('və:t ] n. 性变态者
  pig 一般形容言行举止恶心、让人无法接受的人
  chicken 指胆小的人,即“胆小鬼”
  sheep 通常指容易脸红、害羞的人
  dog 没有原则的人,败类
  turtle 指性情和行动很慢的人
  fox 狡猾的人
  snake 不讲信用的人 


  Are You a Chef or Mechanic
  Fried Cauliflower with Organ Meat 菜花炒内脏
  Fried Cauliflower with Spare Part 菜花炒零备件
  In English, the words “spare parts” mean“零件”and are usually used when talking about cars, computers or other machines. So, this dish ends up sounding like something not particularly edible.
  英语中,“spare parts”指“零件”,通常用来谈论车辆、电脑以及其他的机器。
  When cooking it can be hard to remember all of the different names of vegetables, but try and get a handle on these commonly used veggies:
  eggplant [ 'egplɑ:nt ] n. 茄子 cabbage [ 'k鎎idʒ ] n. 甘蓝,卷心菜
  broccoli [ 'brɔkəli ] n. 椰菜 leek [ li:k ] n. 韭菜
  onion [ 'ʌnjən ] n. 洋葱 chive [ tʃaiv ] n. 细香葱
  pumpkin [ 'pʌmpkin ] n. 南瓜 cucumber [ 'kju:kʌmbə ] n. 黄瓜
  bell pepper铃状椒,甜椒,柿子椒 mushroom [ 'mʌʃrum ] n. 蘑菇
  bok choy n. 小白菜,素菜


  Advice on How to Be Content
  with the Man a Woman Has Marrie
  I’ll never forget the time one of my colleagues introduced a friend to me. He first told me her name, “This is my friend, Mrs. Wang.” and then preceded to tell me a little about her background. At one point though, he made a serious mistake:“My friend here, Mrs. Wang, married old.” To a Westerner, this sentence sounded like, she married an old man. His actual meaning was she got married late, which should have been expressed as “She married late (in life).”
他首先告诉我她的名字:“This is my friend, Mrs. Wang (这是我的朋友,王太太).”然后他又告诉我她的一些情况。 但在这个时候,他犯了一个严重的错误:“My friend here, Mrs. Wang, married old.” 对于一个西方人来说, 这个句子听起来就像是在说,她和一个老男人结婚了。而他实际上是想说她结婚晚,这个句子应该这样表达:“She married late (in life).”
  In English it is considered rude to call someone “old”. At the same time, young people don’t like to be considered “kids” or “children” once they are in their teens, which is different from in China, where, for example, women in their twenties who are still unmarried like to be called “girls” rather than “women” as they would be in the West.
  infant [ 'infənt ] n. 婴儿,幼儿 child [ tʃaild ] n. 孩子
  teenager [ 'ti:n.eidʒə ] n. 十几岁的青少年 adult [ ə'dʌlt, '鎑ʌlt ] n.成人,成年人
  young adult青壮年 elderly [ 'eldəli ] adj. 过了中年的;稍老的
  middle-aged [ 'midl'eidʒd ] adj.中年的 twilight years晚年
  senior citizen [ 'sitizn ] 老年人
  in one’s 20’s/30’s在某人二十几/三十几岁的时候  


  Bad Drink Name
  Wheat Drink/Rootbeer
  Root SARS 非典之根
  It’s a short name, Root Sars, but certainly not a popular one in China. “SARS” as most people know, was a respiratory disease that caused the death of dozens of people worldwide, most acutely in China.
  Root Sars 是一个简称,显然,它用在中国并不合适。
众所周知,“SARS(非典)” 是一种呼吸道疾病,在世界范围内造成了很多人的死亡,在中国尤为严重。
  The double “oo” can have different pronunciations in English and can be a little tough to pronounce for non-native speakers. Take a look at the following words and pay attention to the phonetic sounds.
  英语中,“oo” 有不同的发音,对于非母语者来说发准此音有些困难。看一看下列单词并注意它们的发音。
  good [ gʊd ] n.好事,好处 adj.优良的 fool [ fu:l ] n.愚人,白痴 vt.愚弄
  mood [ mu:d ] n.心情,情绪 door [ dɔ:, dɔə ] n.门,通道
  cool [ ku:l ] n.凉爽的空气 adj.凉爽的 poor [ puə ] adj.贫穷的,可怜的
  boor [ buə ] n.农民,粗野的人 room [ ru:m ] n.房间
  boom [ bu:m ] n.繁荣 v.兴隆,大事宣传 hood [ hud ] n.头巾,兜帽
  broom [ bru:m ] n.扫帚 vt.扫除 pool [ pu:l ] n.池 vt.合伙经营
  wood [ wud ] n.木头,木材,树木  


  Are We Eating or Drinking
  Chinese people love to eat food. When I first came to China lots of new friends took me out for dinner and moved me with their hospitality. One time, however, something funny happened. We had ordered our dishes and were about to eat when one of my friends stood up, grabbed his glass of beer and said, “Let’s have a toast.” Of course, what he wanted to say was“我们来干杯”. What he should have said was “I propose a toast.”
我刚到中国时,很多新朋友带我出去吃饭,他们的热情好客深深感动了我。 但有一次,搞笑的事发生了。我们点了很多菜正要吃的时候, 一个朋友站起来举着啤酒杯说,“Let’s have a toast(让我们有一块烤面包片吧).”当然,他想说的是“我们来干杯”而这应该是“I propose a toast.”
  Welcome back! 欢迎归来!
  Great to see you again! 很高兴再次看到你!
  It’s an honour to meet you. 见到你很荣幸!
  I hope you enjoy your time here. 希望您在这儿过得开心!
  Cheers. 干杯!
  Bottoms up. 〈俗语〉干杯!
  beer [ biə ] n. 啤酒 import [ im'pɔ:t ] beer 进口啤酒
  domestic [ də'mestik ] beer 国内啤酒 champagne [ ʃ鎚'pein ] 香槟酒
  rice wine黄酒 red wine红葡萄酒
  white wine 白葡萄酒 fruit juice 果汁
  milk [ milk ] n. 牛奶 soymilk [ 'sɔimilk ] n. 豆奶,豆浆
  yoghurt [ 'jɔgət,'jəʊ- ] n. 酸乳酪  


  How Hard Can Cake Be
  Layered Cake
  Complicated Cake
  Take a look at other words which have the Latin “com” which means “together” and gain a deeper understanding of the word’s original meaning.
  再来看一下其他词,这些词都含有拉丁词 “com”且表示“一起”的意思,通过下文解释深入理解它们的原意。
  company n.公司 place where workers come “together”
  communism n.共产主义 coming “together” and sharing of the people
  common adj.公有的,共同的 to be grouped “together” with others
  competition n.竞争,竞赛 where several people or groups compare skills “together”
  composer n.作曲家 a person who holds musicians “together”
  computer n.计算机,电脑 a machine which stores information “together”
  comrade n.朋友,同志,伙伴 a friend who you’ve been involved with “together” in some dangerous activity


  Become a Dragon
  One time I remember talking to a parent, whose son I was teaching English to. I asked the parent why his son was enrolled in so many classes and he replied, “I want my son to become a dragon.” I couldn’t understand his meaning. When I asked a Chinese friend with good English I understood that his meaning had been“望子成龙”,which in English would be better expressed as“I have high hopes for my son/daughter.”
我问这位家长为什么他的儿子要上这么多的课, 他回答说:“I want my son to become a dragon.”我一头雾水。当我问了一位英语很好的中国朋友后,我知道了这位家长是想表达“望子成龙”。在英语中用“I have high hopes for my son/daughter.”来表达这一意思会比较好。
  high hopes厚望 bright future前途无量
  good outlook美好前景 good prospect美好的未来
  successful career事业成功 rewarding life愉快人生
  meaningful work有意义的工作 ideal job理想工作
  place one’s hope on someone把希望寄托在某人身上
  Unlike in China, where the dragon is considered a lucky and powerful sign, in Western culture, dragons are generally associated with “evil(邪恶的)” or “danger(危险)” in stories. 


  Giving Face
  In Chinese, it’s very common for people to talk about “face”. However, when we try and translate that into English it can sound pretty awkward. Take a look at how one student translated the following:“I give you face, you don’t want a face, you lose your face, I turn my face! ”
但是,当我们想把它翻译成英语的时候,听起来是那么的尴尬。看一下一个学生翻译的句子:“I give you face, you don’t want a face, you lose your face, I turn my face(我给你脸,你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸)!”
  A better way of expressing the above sentence would be, “I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself and yet you won’t take it. You shame yourself and you anger me.”
  embarrassedly [ im'b鎟əstli ] adv.尴尬地,难堪地
  embarrassing [ im'b鎟əsiŋ ] adj.令人为难的
  awkward [ 'ɔ:kwəd ] adj.别扭的;笨拙的
  shameless [ 'ʃeimlis ] adj.不知羞耻的
  shameful [ 'ʃeimful ] adj.不体面的
  honour [ 'ɔnə ] n.尊敬,光荣
  reputation [ .repju('teiʃən ] n.名誉,名声
  disgraceful [ dis'greisful ] adj.可耻的,不名誉的
  be well thought of 深思熟虑的

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