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[[资源推荐]] Basis for political system

发表于 2007-12-18 13:23:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A 为读者的翻译,B为参考译文)


A. China is multi-ethnic and multi-party, so the system of multi-party co-operation and political negotiation which is leaded by Chinese Communist Party is also a basic Chinese political system.

B. China is a multiparty nation of many people and multiparty cooperation and consultation under Chinese Communist Party leadership are the basis of its political system.

解 析

读者翻译的句子除了错误地使用了\"ethnic\"外,\"so\"的用法也不是很恰当,虽然原文中使用的是\"所以\"。如果认真地读这个句子,特别是英文翻译,你会发现句中的因果关系不是很明显,所以参考译文把它们翻成了并列关系。因此,在翻译实践中,还要正确理解文章的结构和句与句之间的关系,以便翻出好的译文。 除此之外,读者在翻译\"中国的一项基本政治制度\" 时,显然混淆了\"China's\" 和\"Chinese\"的区别。 虽然两者在汉语中都可以表达\"中国的\"的意思,但是,\"China's\"更多地指中国作为一个国家,她的制度,体制和政策的特征。而\"Chinese\"更多的指\"中国人的\"或是\"有中国传统特色的\"。所以在此处\"Chinese\"的使用是不恰当的。


A. Deng Xiaoping for the first time gave a quite systematic answer on the historical mission of China the economically and culturally comparatively backward, that how to build the country, and how to strengthen it.

B. Deng Xiaoping, for the first time, answered the questions of how to develop socialism in a country that was comparatively backward economically and culturally and how to strengthen socialism in its historical mission.

解 析

读者译句的后半部分完全不符合英语的语法规则,只是汉语句子后半部分的简单堆砌,让人看了有点儿丈二和尚摸不着头脑。同时,在前半句的翻译中,读者直译了 \"系统地回答了\",但其实在这个语境中,\"answer the question\"就暗含了回答是正确的、系统的含义。


A. The reform aim of economic policy is to construct and perfect socialist marketing economy system on basis of persisting on the principal position of \"privacy policy\" and \"distribution according to work policy\", the supplemental position of other kinds of economic policies and distribution policies.

B. The goal of economic reforms is to establish a socialist market economic structure that is based on a system with the public sector and pay depending on work as its centre and other economic forms and modes of distribution as supplements.

解 析

首先,读者把\"经济体制\"误译成了\"economic policy\"(经济政策)。体制和政策不是一回事,体制比政策更宏观,包括\"政策\"。其次, \"privacy\"在英语里多指\"隐私\",\"隐私\"是个人自己的事情,和经济体制无关,和公有制更是毫无瓜葛,所以\"privacy policy\"很容易让人一头雾水。当然,也就无法准确地传达意思了。

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