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[[资源推荐]] 译作欣赏:夜之颂歌

发表于 2007-12-18 08:44:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
???????????夜 之 颂 歌


?????????? 黑夜啊黑夜,庄严的夜,
?????????? 大地沉入寂静的世界,
?????????? 灿烂的天空像恢宏的圣殿,
?????????? 星星的族类朝着神坛跪拜参谒;
?????????? 黑夜啊黑夜,魔幻的夜,
?????????? 耀眼的白昼不再肆虐,
?????????? 梦幻精灵扬起无数白帆,
?????????? 船队驶离睡眠海岸冰清玉洁!
?????????? 啊,欢乐、自由我的夜,
?????????? 驾驭清风去天际追猎;
?????????? 空气如新娘的拥抱一样甜蜜,
?????????? 滴露的夜空挂起一轮明月!

?????????? 黑夜啊黑夜,迷人的夜,
?????????? 长春花丛中喷泉倾泻,
?????????? 在催眠的氛围里温柔流淌,
?????????? 小夜曲奏响,振奋、激越。
?????????? 白皙的双臂无力地倚着花格窗台,
?????????? 明亮的双眸在葡萄藤蔓里光彩摇曳;
?????????? 像山中柔和的溪水淙淙,
?????????? 窗下语音各异的骑士赞赏不迭;
?????????? 眼里充满爱念,
?????????? 艳羡的叹息相继不绝,
?????????? 他们争相把一颗真心献上,
?????????? 言词斩金截铁;
?????????? 唯恐她倾听的耳朵不曾听清,
?????????? 只怕她期待的神情未能察觉。

?????????? 黑夜啊黑夜,宁静的夜,
?????????? 跪拜的后人魂牵先哲的梦穴;
?????????? 母亲两眼凝视着摇篮,
?????????? 洒泪只为婴儿如鲜花凋谢;
?????????? 黑夜啊黑夜,平和的夜,
?????????? 战场的厮杀全然寂灭,
?????????? 刀光剑影与号角不再,
?????????? 俯视堆积如山的尸体月亮悲痛欲绝;
?????????? 哨兵孤独地晃动,
?????????? 面颊坚定如铁,
?????????? 闪烁的泪花隐含酸楚,
?????????? 尽管内心无所惧怯;
?????????? 终究不是白昼,
?????????? 情绪稍欠刚烈。

?????????? 黑夜啊黑夜,神圣的夜,
?????????? 让我忆起激荡甜蜜的情结,
?????????? 可她的声音带着忧伤,
?????????? 一如儿时在母亲怀里听过民谣的呜咽。
?????????? 她所有的美丽久已消退,
?????????? 往日发如纯金,面似白雪,
?????????? 红唇讲述以往的故事,
?????????? 眼光如夏日的晴空皎洁。
?????????? 啊,夜之精灵,
?????????? 你的辉光撒遍世界,
?????????? 照亮幽谷、溪流、丛林,一切一切;
?????????? 可是你对诗人昏暗的居室情有独钟,
?????????? 专让美丽的人们在室内无法安歇。

A Song for the Night

Daniel Henry Deniehy

?O the Night, the Night, the solemn Night,
? When Earth is bound with her silent zone,
And the spangled sky seems a temple wide,
? Where the star-tribes kneel at the Godhead's throne;
O the Night, the Night, the wizard Night,
? When the garish reign of day is o'er,
And the myriad barques of the dream-elves come
? In a brightsome fleet from Slumber's shore!
? O the Night for me,
? When blithe and free,
Go the zephyr-hounds on their airy chase;
? When the moon is high
? In the dewy sky,
And the air is sweet as a bride's embrace!

O the Night, the Night, the charming Night!
? From the fountain side in the myrtle shade,
All softly creep on the slumbrous air
? The waking notes of the serenade;
While bright eyes shine 'mid the lattice-vines,
? And white arms droop o'er the sculptured sills,
And accents fall to the knights below,
? Like the babblings soft of mountain rills.
? Love in their eyes,
? Love in their sighs,
Love in the heave of each lily-bright bosom;
? In words so clear,
? Lest the listening ear
And the waiting heart may lose them.

O the silent Night, when the student dreams
? Of kneeling crowds round a sage's tomb;
And the mother's eyes o'er the cradle rain
? Tears for her baby's fading bloom;
O the peaceful Night, when stilled and o'er
? Is the charger's tramp on the battle plain,
And the bugle's sound and the sabre's flash,
? While the moon looks sad over heaps of slain;
? And tears bespeak
? On the iron cheek
Of the sentinel lonely pacing,
? Thoughts which roll
? Through his fearless soul,
Day's sterner mood replacing.

O the sacred Night, when memory comes
? With an aspect mild and sweet to me,
But her tones are sad as a ballad air
? In childhood heard on a nurse's knee;
And round her throng fair forms long fled,
? With brows of snow and hair of gold,
And eyes with the light of summer skies,
? And lips that speak of the days of old.
? Wide is your flight,
? O spirits of Night,
By strath, and stream, and grove,
? But most in the gloom
? Of the Poet's room
Ye choose, fair ones, to rove.

原载:中国诗歌翻译网www.zgsgfyw.com 吕志鲁译

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