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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语二完整讲义68

发表于 2007-12-15 14:07:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
14.Parents, teachers in schools, work associates and communicator in or using the mass media are all capable of arousing our potential interests.


  arousing 动名词的原形动词为arouse ,意思是“唤醒,唤起,鼓励,引起”

  15.For example, the degree to which and the ways in which a school encourages participation in games, sports and cultural pursuit are likely to contribute to the shaping of leisure attitudes on the part of the students.

  此句主语部分中心词是the degree 和the ways, 其后各接一个由介词+ which 引导的定语从句。由于两个定语从句除了介词不同外,其他部分相同,所以第一个定语从句省去了与第二个定语从句相同的部分。



  Schools usually set as their educational objective the attainment of a balanced development of the person. The more seriously this is sought, the more likely positive attitudes towards leisure as well as academic work will be encouraged.

  16.Schools usually set as their educational objective the attainment of a balanced development of the person.

  句中 “set … as objective” 把… 看作是目标 .“ the attainment of a balanced development of the person; 是set 的宾语。 ” as their educational objective 是宾语补足语,因为宾语较长,所以后置。


  The more seriously this is sought, the more likely positive attitudes towards leisure as well as academic work will be encouraged.

  该句是 “ the more … , the more …。” 的句型。 表示“越… 越 …”



  1.The importance people attach to paid holidays and the rapid development of service for mass entertainment and recreation are signs of this increasing concern.

  2.Generally speaking, the quality of life, especial as seen by the individual, is meaningful in terms of the degree to which these various areas of life are available or provide satisfaction to the individual.

  3.As activity carried out as one thinks fit during one‘s spare time leisure has the following functions: relaxation, recreation and entertainment, and personal development.

  4.Thus, the following are possible uses of television watching, a popular leisure activity: a change of experience to provide “escape” from the stress and strain of work; to learn more about what is happening in one‘s environment; to provide an opportunity for understanding oneself by comparing other people’s life experiences as portrayed in the programmes.

  5.In an urban society in which highly structured, fast-paced and stressful work looms large in life, experiences of a different nature, be it television watching or bird-watching, can lead to a self-renewal and a more “balanced” way of life

  6.Our likes and dislikes, tastes and preferences that underlie our choices of such activities as reading books, going to the cinema, camping, or certain cultural pursuits, are all related to social contexts and learning experiences.

  7.Basically, such attitudes amount to a recognition that leisure is an important area of life and of a belief that leisure can and should be put to good use.

  8.Professional workers in recreation services, too, will find that to impart positive leisure attitudes to the general public is essential for motivating them to use their leisure in creative and satisfying ways.

  9.Hence, it can be argued that the people with whom we come into contact in these various contexts are all likely to have exerted some influence in shaping our attitudes, interests and even skills relevant to how we handle leisure.

  10.Parents, teachers in schools, work associates and communicator in or using the mass media are all capable of arousing our potential interests.

  11.For example, the degree to which and the ways in which a school encourages participation in games, sports and cultural pursuit are likely to contribute to the shaping of leisure attitudes on the part of the students.

  12.The more seriously this is sought, the more likely positive attitudes towards leisure as well as academic work will be encouraged.

  Text B The Time Message

  I.New Words

  1.elusive a.1.躲避的;2.难以捉摸的,难以理解的

  2.tricky a.1.狡猾的,耍花招的;2.难以处理的

  3.slip vi.1.滑动,滑过;2.溜,溜走 vt.使滑动;使滑过

  4.quicksand n.流沙

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