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[[资源推荐]] 常用汉英对照习语(2007-12-07)

发表于 2007-12-7 11:39:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
· 风险基金 VC funds
· 风险投资 venture capital; risk investment
· 风险准备金 loan loss provision, provisions of risk
· 浮动工资 floating wages; fluctuating wages
· 覆盖率 coverage rate
· 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent
· 附加意外险 supplemental accident insurance
· 福利彩票 welfare lotteries
· 福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system
· 扶贫 poverty alleviation
· 扶贫办公室 Poverty Relief Office
· 《浮士德》 Faust
· 复式住宅 duplex apartment; compound apartment (a type of residential housing that maximizes usable space by increasing the number of the storey building)
· 改制上市 An enterprise is re-organized according to modern corporate system so that it will get listed on the stock market.
· 干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化 \" make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent \"
· 感到不妙 I smell a rat.
· 尴尬,困境,糟糕 pretty pass
· 干细胞 stem cell
· 感谢款待的信 a bread and butter letter (a letter sent as thanks for being treated well as someone's guest)
· 港澳台 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
· 港人治港 Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong
· 岗位培训 on-the-job training 
· 港务局 port office; harbor authority
· 高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue
· 高产优质 high yield and high quality
· 高度自治 high degree of autonomy
· 高峰论坛 summit (forum)
· 高杠杆交易机构 highly-leveraged institutions(HLI)
· 高官会 Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)
· 高级商务师 Certified Business Executive

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