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[[资源推荐]] 实现目标的诀窍(3)

发表于 2007-12-4 19:35:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

3) Find inspiration for accomplishing your goal.


The reason that personal trainers are so popular is that they can help you achieve things that alone you may not. It has nothing to do with your desire to achieve your goals; it is because we need inspiration to continue on our road to success. As humans, we can talk ourselves and make excuses why we do not achieve of goals everyday. Having someone that has walked down the same path and has reached the end is a great inspiration that can help motivate you to continue on your path everyday. They can inspire you to go beyond what you thought that you were capable and hold a hand out to you in order assist you on your way. 个人教练如此受欢迎的原因是他们能帮你实现单枪匹马一个人实现不了的事情。这和你要实现它们的愿望无关;而是因为我们需要在通往成功的道路上不断获得激励。人们常常会为不能实现目标找借口。如果有一个过来人,一个已经达到目标的人能每天帮助你朝目标不断前进,这是一个很大的激励。他们能激励你超越自我,助你一臂之力.

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