MRI More Accurate Than Fine-Needle Biopsy in Detection of Thyroid Cancer
November 27, 2007 — Thyroid nodules are fairly common and are often benign, but some are cancerous. At present, the most important method to detect malignant nodules is fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNA, but this technique can produce false-negative results, which can delay treatment and lead to local invasion. A new study suggests that dynamic contrast medium–enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) has higher accuracy and can detect papillary carcinoma that is missed by FNAB. The results are published in the November issue of the Archives of Surgery.
2007.11.27-甲状腺节结十分的常见,大部分的甲状腺节结是良性的,但是也有恶性的。目前,鉴别恶性节结最重要的手段是细针穿刺(FNA),然而这种方法仍有假阴性,这会导致治疗延误并致使局部转移。新的研究表明,有动态对比物作为介质的-增强磁共振(DCE-MRI)诊断甲状腺乳头状癌的优于细针穿刺,能发现一些细针穿刺遗漏的病例。这一结果发表在11月的《Archives of Surgery》一杂志中。
\"DCE-MRI is highly reliable in ruling out a diagnosis of carcinoma in multinodular thyroid gland,\" conclude the authors, led by Seldar Tezelman, MD, from Istanbul University in Turkey. The negative predictive value of DCE-MRI was 100% vs 58.3% for FNAB and 66.7% for frozen section (FS) analysis.
“DEC-MRI在诊断甲状腺多发节结的恶性肿瘤方面更具可靠性。”由Seldar Tezelman教授领导的土耳其伊斯坦堡大学的作者们,最后总结说。DEC-MRI具有100%的阴性排除率,FNBA中是58.3%,而冰冻切片(FS)是66.7%。
This is the most prominent finding, Dr. Tezelman commented to Medscape Oncology, and the 100% negative predictive value means that DCE-MRI can totally exclude the diagnosis of malignancy.
这是个突破性的发现,而且DEC-MRI100%评估阴性的病例基本上可以排除恶性肿瘤的诊断\"Tezelman教授在写给《Medscape Oncology》的评论中说道。
However, at this moment FNAB is the gold standard for diagnosis of malignancy in thyroid nodules, and DCE-MRI seems to be a helpful adjunct method in both diagnosis or exclusion, Dr. Tezelman added. It is too early to recommend DCE-MRI to be used instead because \"we need more patients to verify its superiority to FNAB, especially in multinodular goitre.\"
The researchers compared the 3 techniques in a group of 30 consecutive patients with nodular goiter. Final histopathologic examination revealed thyroid carcinoma in 11 (36.7%) patients, follicular adenoma in 2 (6.7%) patients, and colloidal nodular goiter in 17 (56.7%) patients.
DCE-MRI was carried out in all 30 patients and detected all 11 cases of thyroid carcinoma. All of the patients with thyroid cancer had delayed washout contrast enhancement, the researchers report, so sensitivity was 100%. However, 3 other patients also had a delayed washout pattern on DEC-MRI; of these, 2 patients had colloidal nodular goiter and 1 had follicular adenoma. Hence, the conditional probability of thyroid cancer in a patient with multinodular goiter with a delayed washout pattern was 0.78 (11/14 patients). This positive predictive value of 78.5% leads the researchers to estimate that if 5 patients with multinodular goiter exhibited the delayed washout pattern on DCE-MRI, 4 will probably have malignant lesions in the thyroid gland.
This method yielded no false-negative results; therefore, the results of DCE-MRI in nodal goiter can be summarized as \"no delayed washout, no thyroid cancer,\" the researchers conclude.
These results contrast with those obtained for FNAB. This technique was carried out in 17 patients with single dominant cold nodules, of whom 10 were found to have thyroid cancer on histopathologic examination. However, FNAB detected thyroid cancer in only 2 (11.8%) patients and found follicular neoplasia in 3 patients, but showed benign findings in 12 patients. In fact, 5 (41.7%) of these 12 patients with benign results on FNAB had thyroid carcinoma, so these were false-negative results. Hence, the negative predictive value of this method was 58.3%, the researchers report, although the positive predictive value was 100%.
In addition, FS analysis was performed in the same 17 patients with single dominant cold nodules, of whom 10 had thyroid cancer, and showed benign findings in 9 patients, thyroid cancer in 6 patients, and follicular neoplasia in 2 patients. The positive predictive value was 87.5%, and the negative predictive value was 66.7%.
Table. Comparison of Diagnostic Methods in the Detection of Thyroid Carcinoma*
Outcome Measures DCE-MRI FNAB FS Analysis
Positive predictive value (%) 78.5 100 87.5
Negative predictive value (%) 100 58.3 66.7
Sensitivity (%) 100 50 70
Specificity (%) 84.2 100 85.7
Diagnostic accuracy (%) 90 70.6 76.5
*DCE-MRI indicates dynamic contrast medium–enhanced magnetic resonance imaging; FNAB, fine
-needle aspiration biopsy; FS, frozen section.
Dr. Tezelman and colleagues conclude that the accuracy of DCE-MRI in the detection of thyroid carcinoma in patients with multinodular goiter was higher than that of both FNAB and FS analysis. Also, with its negative predictive value of 100%, this technique was more reliable than FNAB and FS analysis in ruling out a diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma, they add. As far as they are aware, this is the first prospective study to compare the diagnostic value of all 3 methods in the detection of thyroid carcinoma in multinodular goiter. The same group has another study in 26 patients that will be published in the December issue of Surgery.
Tezelman教授和他的同事们得出这样的结论,DEC-MRI在发现多发性甲状腺节结中的甲状腺恶性肿瘤比细针穿刺(FNAB)和冰冻切片(FS)。由于它预测阴性结果的准确率达100%,所以在筛查甲状腺恶性肿瘤的应用上,DEC-MRI比细针穿刺(FNAB)和冰冻切片(FS)更可靠。尽管如此,他们也提醒说,这只是比较这3中方法在诊断甲状腺多发节结中的甲状腺恶性肿瘤的首个前瞻性研究。同样的对其他26例患者的研究结果将在12月的《Archives of Surgery》杂志发布。 |