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[[资源推荐]] 名人的成功之道

发表于 2007-11-23 19:34:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   Do you remember your first or worst job? Did it have anything to do with what you're doing today or where you want to be tomorrow? Consider this —Jennifer Aniston1 used to wait tables, Madonna served donuts at Dunkin' Donuts, and Jerry Seinfeld2 hawked3 lightbulbs as a telemarketer.
  All careers start with a good foundation. The same is true for those of the rich and famous. They worked their way into their thriving careers by starting at the bottom and paying their dues4. The skills and experience they gained at their first jobs helped to catapult5 them into future success. So what can they teach us?
  Start at the bottom
   Successful journalists like Walter Cronkite6, Katie Couric7 and Stone Phillips8 built their careers by starting in an entry-level position. Young Walter ventured into his journalism career as a small boy selling newspapers and magazines in Kansas City. He says his experience inspired \"a future passion for current events, history in the making, the stuff of journalism.\" While Katie Couric didn't have a paper route9, she did use her first job as a desk assistant at ABC to springboard10 to becoming one of the leading ladies in broadcast journalism. Stone Phillips had a similar beginning. He broke into broadcasting as a newsroom assistant at an ABC affiliate in Atlanta before moving into the big time11.
  Pay your dues
   Those who have worked in the service industry often say it's the best work — and life—experience in the world. You learn to handle stress and keep your cool, hone12 your people skills, endure a lot of abuse, and work hard for your money. Sandra Bullock mixed drinks as a bartender13 before working with acting heavyweights Hugh Grant, Nicole Kidman and Keanu Reeves. Alec Baldwin was a bouncer14 before he tried out15 his acting chops16. Before he served up17 advice as the psychiatrist Frasier, Kelsey Grammar served up food as a waiter. And, Robin Williams scooped18 ice cream before he was sprinkling us with his nuttiness19.
  Get your foot in the door20
   Just to pursue their passion, some people did whatever they could to break into their business. They did this regardless of potentially hurt pride or the threat of poverty. Before starting his eponymous21 clothing line, Ralph Lauren22 was a sweater salesman at Bloomingdale's. Famous clothing giant Tommy Hilfiger23 sold clothes from the trunk of a car. And, Broadway actor Nathan Lane24 delivered singing telegrams25. These guys might be big names now, but they used creativity and motivation to take those first jobs.
   Bottom line, achieving your dream job takes time and patience. Great careers don't happen overnight and can take years of hard work. But every step along the road can get you closer to your goal.

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