用灵魂唱歌的女子,要用宁静的心去倾听,才会在心灵深处产生那种似纯淡如水,又在每个人心里都隐约存在的共鸣——简单,或复杂;尝试一下吧,试着置身Ann的世界,你会发现任何繁重、悲伤,都会变得无足轻重;你会发现她那句轻描淡写般唱出的“ won't go anywhere so give my love to everyone”又是多么的让人为之动容!不及你觉察,一个似不食人间烟火却又在若有若无间透露真性情的法国女子已慢慢在你眼前所浮现。
Not going anywhere by Keren Ann This is why I always wonder
I'm a pond full of regrets
I always try to not remember rather than forget This is why I always whisper
When vagabonds are passing by
I tend to keep myself away from their goodbyes Tide will rise and fall along the bay
And I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere People come and go and walk away
But I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
This is why I always whisper
I'm a river with a spell
I like to hear but not to listen
I like to say but not to tell This is why I always wonder
There's nothing new under the sun
I won't go anywhere so give my love to everyone
Tide will rise and fall along the bay
And I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
People come and go and walk away
But I'm not going anywhere
I'm not going anywhere
这首“End of May”选自Keen Ann第三张专辑“Not going anywhere”。“Not going anywhere”所收录的11首歌曲,以民谣为主要基调,其中一些歌曲,加入了一些布鲁斯节奏与爵士乐风的编曲,例如主打作品“Not going anywhere”,以及“Spanish song bird”和“By the cathedral”等。