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[[资源推荐]] 商务电子邮件写作注意事项

发表于 2007-11-20 06:08:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  (Use active voice more)
  Passive (被动)
  1.Regarding you email dated August 24, 2004, you anticipated that the shipment of raw materials would be effected from Japan late November or early December.
   2.Emphasis has, however, to be laid on the point that shipment must be made according to planned time.
   Active (主动)
   1.In your email of August 24, 2004, you anticipated that you would ship the raw materials from Japan late November or early December.
   2.However, we would like to remind you that you should ship the raw materials according to planned time.
  被动语态的例子表达显得拖沓冗长,语气生硬;主动语态的例子直接、一目了然,语气得体。虽说商务邮件应多使用主动语态,但并非千篇一律。在动作的执行者不明确或不重要的情况下,还是应该使用被动语态。如以下几例:“The company was founded in 1998.” “Do you know when the meeting will be held?” “The memo was sent yesterday.”
  有时生意人故意使用被动语态作为逃避责任或含糊其辞的一种方式。如:“The status of your account will be checked and confirmed.”此句中,谁来核对并确认账户,没有说明清楚。但若写成“I will check and confirm the status of your account.”很明显责任由你来承担。
  (Use more short sentences)
   I suggest that we change our service and supply fast food to give our customers what they seem to want so we can better compete with our main competitor.
   I suggest that we change our service and supply fast food to give our customers what they seem to want. That way, we can better compete with our main competitor.
   1. I went to the Conference Center on Wednesday. Soon I met the instructor. We had lunch. Then we started the class.
   2. After going to the Conference Center on Wednesday and meeting the instructor, We had lunch and started the class.
  (Use modern business language)
  一直以来,商务邮件中充满过于正式或陈旧的表达,如:“As per your re-quest”,“Pursuant to our conversation”等。这些表达早已过时,不符合现代商务电子邮件的原则。商务电子邮件旨在传达信息或说服对方,并非是去赢得对方对你的写作水平的赞叹。因此,在商务邮件写作中,应用现代的商务语言来取代过时或过于正式的表达。以下是一些过时与现代商务表达的对比:
   1.We deem it advisable for you to wait.
   2.This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email dated July 8.
   1.We suggest you wait.
   2.Thank you for your email of July 8.
  (Use a natural, conversational style)
  然而,在日常的一些商务电子邮件中,经常可以看到这种句子:“In accordance with the guidelines mentioned in our discussion, I am forwarding the book.”,“We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter dated 6 July.”在与客户交谈时,我们会这样说话吗?显然,这种表达过于正式,属于早已过时的商务套话。它不仅会使读者产生误解,甚至费解,还会疏远读者,显然不利于商务沟通。以上两例可改为:“As we discussed, I誱 sending you the book.”和“Thank you for your email of 6 July.”为了进一步说明,以下分别为不自然与自然表达的对比:
   1.Upon receipt of your payment, further attention will be given to your order.
2.Should you require further information, you could contact Mrs. Jane Lee.
   1.When we receive your payment, we誰l begin to process your order.
   2.If you誨 like more information, please call Mrs. Jane Lee.
   1.Let誷 not drag this out.
   2.Keep your shirt on.
   1.Let誷 finish this as quickly as possible.
   2.Please be patient.
  (Shorten or delete warming-up paragraphs)
   I enjoyed meeting you and your staff last Monday. Jack was wonderful, and other people have also showed great enthusiasm for this marketing program. I know that Mark and his team can do this job. I also trust that this project will bring great benefits to your company.
   I have assembled and enclosed the documents which you requested as they concerns the project...
   I enjoyed meeting you and your staff last Monday. Here誷 the information you requested concerning the marketing project we discussed.
  (Identify the purpose of the writing in the beginning)
  1.Email of invitation: We are pleased to invite representatives of China National Textile Import and Export Corporation, Shanghai Branch, to visit the United States during May and June, 2004.
  2.Email of order: We would like to order the following goods, ...
  3.Email of recommendations: I am pleased to recommend Mr. Jack Lee, who has provided excellent training on business management for our staff over the past three weeks.
  4.Email of thanks: I am writing to thank you for the hospitality you extended on my recent visit to your country.
  5.Reply to an enquiry letter: Thank you for your enquiry of 21st June, in which you expressed an interest in our hand-made leather gloves.
  6.Letter of apology: First of all, we must apologize for having not given you any news about you present order.
  (Cross out unnecessary closings)
  商务电子邮件者有时不知道如何结尾,常常重复前文讲过的内容,造成累赘感。商务电子邮件的结尾如同开头应受到同等的重视,结尾的成功与否可能影响整篇写作效果。在结束之前,想好要说的话,一次说清,无需再三重复。譬如,若你想与读者面谈,可用“I誨 like to get together with you to discuss this matter in more detail”、“I am looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday.”等之类的语句结束你的信,无需画蛇添足。
  实际商务沟通的电子邮件中,不乏一些多余或不恰当的语句。如“Thank you in advance.”就是其中之一,该句言下之意指的是作者已假设对方已经接受或同意信中所说的内容。作者常常在不确信自己的观点是否有充分的说服力时使用这类句子,认为不论对方是否接受,先表示总是对自己有利的。殊不知,这样的结尾常常起着相反的效果。
  “If you have any questions, please call us.”这句话在商务电子邮件中用得过多,反而不妥,因为它常常会掩盖商务电子邮件者的真正目的,从而给读者带来理解上的不便。最好是开诚布公,表明真正目的,以免对方产生误解。例如,你想要对方回寄一份签过的销售合同,以备存档,可用“Please send us a copy of the signed sales contract for our file.”来结束你的电子邮件,无需使用“If you have any questions, please call me.”
  (Use small paragraphs)

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