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[[求助与讨论]] An easy question from a kid

发表于 2007-11-1 20:39:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
There is an office on the first floor.

对on the first floor提问,是Where is there an office?
还是Where is the office?
Different reference books have different answers, what on earth is the most appropriate answer?

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发表于 2007-11-1 21:05:44 | 显示全部楼层
I think the common way to say is where is the office?....................

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-1 21:17:38 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you
So quick response!

Then how could it be:
"an" is changed into "the"?

"an office" in the original sentence didn't mean a certain one, after all.

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发表于 2007-11-1 21:29:16 | 显示全部楼层
I agree with you
"an office" in the original sentence didn't mean a certain one, after all.

But when you ask question, "an office" become a particular one, that's why we use "the office" instead "an office"


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发表于 2007-11-1 21:51:25 | 显示全部楼层
the same as lucy12345678. since the questioner ask the location of an office, he must know something about the office, such as its name, its function, and so forth. it's a specific office. while the first answer refers to an office that the replier doesn't know what kind of the "an office" is.
so the answer should be "The office is on the first floor." rather than "There is an office on the first floor".

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发表于 2007-11-1 22:09:52 | 显示全部楼层
I'm happy. I have a supporter......................................

What's the next question?...........................................................

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发表于 2007-11-1 22:50:17 | 显示全部楼层
anyway, it is not difficult to presuppose a situation where it is more appropriate to ask "where is an officer."

let 's imagine:

if u go into a governmental building to dispose some affair for the first time, you may ask the first person you encounter the question:

Where is an officer?

instead of

Where is the officer?

If you know there is an officer in the first floor, and you ask someone else where is the officer, it seems to me that you are kidding.

the drill of dialogue, as it were, can be a tautology.

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发表于 2007-11-1 23:29:38 | 显示全部楼层
However, the question is There is an office on the first floor? not the officer,
so, in my view, the most appropriate question should be "Where is the office?"
Because, if you don't specify the "the office", there are so many offices on earth, it is also very common for you to ask for the place of some office, while not a office.
Is my answer correct???

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发表于 2007-11-1 23:34:19 | 显示全部楼层
6楼的解释好像是在解释如何使用a/an/the这三个冠词。如果我的理解没错的话,楼主是在对There is/are句型的提问方式作讨论,尽管楼主的第2个问题也是与冠词的使用有关。


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