one track是什么意思呢?一般铁路都有两套铁轨,以便火车可以同时往两个不同的方向运行。可是,有些不太重要,用得又比较少的铁路只有一条铁轨,也就是火车只能往一个方向运行。one track mind作为俗语就是一个人的心思只能往一个方向想。那么也就是说,这个人的心很狭窄,除了自己的想法外容不得其它的观点。我们来举个例子吧。这是一个人在说他的弟弟。
例句-1: I'm afraid my brother Johnny has a real one track mind. All he ever seems to think about is getting all dressed up and going out to chase the girls.
例句-2: I told Jack not to pour all his money into one single stock. But having a one track mind, he didn't even pay attention to what I said. Now he has suffered a heavy loss because the price of the stock he bought has dropped.