Encyclopedia Of Major Marketing Campaigns ($860.00 )
by Thomas Riggs
Thomson Gale (December 2006) | ISBN: 0787673560 | 1947 pages | PDF | 15,5 Mb
Developed as a companion to the publisher's Major Marketing Campaigns Annual, this volume profiles 500 of the most notable marketing and advertising campaigns of the past 100 years. These campaigns cover the marketing of all types of products and services, each in two to five pages, with referral to other sources for further study. Riggs (who also edits the annual) has done a superb job of encapsulating the most important aspects of the campaigns, placing them in historical context, and identifying the target market, competitors, strategies employed, and outcome for each. The size of this collection allows for the coverage of a wide variety of campaigns and the comparison of campaigns and marketing strategies in similar product or service categories. Company studies are presented alphabetically, with campaigns (\"You Deserve a Break Today,\" \"Got Milk?\") products, and individuals presented through the index. This compilation delivers admirably on the promises in its introduction and should be held by every public, special, or university library that serves marketing or advertising professionals or students.DLittleton M. Maxwell, Univ. of Richmond, VA