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[[求助与讨论]] 校园英语恋爱篇

发表于 2007-10-17 20:18:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Looks like he's kinda grown attached to me.
* kinda=kind of 在美国口语中十分常用,是“有一点...”的意思
grow attached to 开始喜欢上...

I break off a relationship.
* break off 断交,catch up 言归于好

Looks like those two are up to someithing, huh?
They can come out in the open.
* 那两人最近关系好象有点暧昧,是吗?

How am I supposed to ask for a date?
* “约会某人”可以说 ask someone out, ask ... for a date
What are you doing this weekend?
Would you like to go out this weekend?

I just don't feel comfortable holding hands in public.
* hold hands 牵手,还有 hand in hand, arm in arm

Well, I struck out this Valentine's Day, too.
* Valentine's Day 情人节

What a drag! I got that \"Let's just be good friends\" line again.
* drag 令人沮丧的事或物,line 说词

I wonder if there's an easy way to break up and still be friends.
* break up, split up 都是分手的意思

Too bad. I almost thought we had something.
* something 指特别的交情

I see my girlfriend home.
* see...home 送某人回家,see...off 则是送行的意思

He is playing the field.
* play the field 和很多异性交往,反义为 go steady

I pretend to give hime the cold shoulder.
* 我故意假装冷落他。
此外 cold turkey 是指冷漠的人

Well, it's over, anyway. Time to find some new.
* 我们的关系完了,可以说 I'm through with her/him. 或
We're through with each other.

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