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[[求助与讨论]] 谁有十七大报告的英文版本

发表于 2007-10-17 20:04:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2007-10-17 21:06:05 | 显示全部楼层


Major events of China's policy of reform, opening up

GOV.cn Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Chinese leader Hu Jintao has reiterated in a keynote political report that China would persist in the policy of reform and opening up, saying the drive is the only way of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and rejuvenating the Chinese nation.

The report Hu delivered to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) that opened on Oct. 15 is believed to charter a roadmap of China's development in the years to come.

Following are some major events of China's policy of reform and opening up:

-- The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CPC in 1978 marked the beginning of China's reform and opening-up drive.

The plenum introduced a series of important decisions on reform which represented a turning point in the history of the CPC and New China since its founding in 1949.

-- In December 1978, 18 farmers in Xiaogang village, east Anhui Province, signed a secret agreement to divide people's commune-owned farmland into pieces for household contract.

The practice was supported by Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of China's reform and opening to the outside world, and recognized by the government, which then initiated the system of contracted responsibilities based on the household in rural areas. Xiaogang has since been seen as the pace-setter for the nation's rural reform.

-- China and the United States established diplomatic relations in 1979. Deng Xiaoping visited the United States between January 29 and February 5, 1979, the first visit to the United States by a Chinese leader since the People's Republic of China was founded.

-- On July 15, 1979, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council approved reports on special and flexible policies in foreign economic activities submitted by the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee and the Fujian Provincial CPC Committee, and decided to set up special economic zones in the cities of Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, and Xiamen.

The construction and development of special economic zones and opening-up zones have prompted the creation of a group of regional economic growth centers, vigorously bringing along opening up across the country.

-- During his tour to south China in 1992, when China's reform and opening-up drive was at a crucial juncture, Deng Xiaoping firmly pointed out that the goal of following socialism is to pursue common prosperity. Deng delivered a series of speeches to define and clarify what was and how to build socialism in respond to the doubt that to develop special economic zones was a road to capitalism.

-- The rapid growth of external trade has remarkably enhanced Chinese economy's dependence on the international market. In 1996,China's total foreign trade volume accounted for 35.5 percent of its GDP, which represented a fairly high level in the world. It now accounts for nearly 70 percent of the GDP.

-- China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001 to become its 143rd member, 23 years after the launch of the opening-up policy and 52 years after the founding of People's Republic of China.

"China's negotiations for the accession to the multilateral trading system over the past 15 years have been an integral part of the process of its reform and opening up from the beginning to the end," said the then Chinese foreign trade minister Shi Guangsheng.

-- The Chinese government launched reforms of the exchange rate system on July 21, 2005, introducing a managed floating foreign exchange rate system after discontinuing the former forex regime pegged to the U.S. dollar.

The overall aim of the exchange rate reform is to build a managed, floating exchange rate mechanism based on market supply and demand and to maintain the yuan's basic stability at a reasonable equilibrium, said the central bank.

-- China opened its financial sector to foreign banks in December, 2006. Before that, China had dropped its tariffs, canceled its non-tariffs measures and opened up its markets in accordance with the pledge it made when joining the WTO.

-- China's reform and opening up drive was hailed by the World Bank as the largest poverty reduction campaign ever launched in the world history, particularly in reducing its rural population in abject poverty.

Statistics show that in 1978, when the reform and opening-up started, China had 250 million extremely poor people in its countryside, or 30.7 percent of its total rural population. The figure declined to just over 20 million by the end of 2006.

-- Between 1978 and 2006, China's gross domestic product has been growing by an average annual rate of 9.7 percent and the country has developed into the world's fourth largest economy. The volume of foreign trade has increased from 20.6 billion U.S. dollars to 1.76 trillion dollars.


Editor: Yangtze Yan
Source: Xinhua

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发表于 2007-10-17 22:19:09 | 显示全部楼层
In his report to the 17th National Congress of the CPC, Hu Jintao says the Communist Party of China will persist in reform and opening up, pursue development in a scientific way, promote social harmony, and strive for new victories in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Hu Jintao's 12-part report describes the congress is one of vital importance being held at a crucial stage of China's reform and development.

The Communist Party of China will hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development.

Work of past 5 years

Hu Jintao says substantial progress was made in reform, opening up and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in the past five years. China's overall strength grew considerably and the people enjoyed more tangible benefits. China's international standing and influence rose notably. The creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the CPC increased significantly, and the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups became more united.

But there are still difficulties such as improving the Party's governing capability and problems like corruption among some party members on the way forward and need to be solved.

Reform & opening up

The report says the fundamental reason behind all the achievements in the past five years is that the CPC has established a path and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Facts have proved that the orientation and path of reform and opening up are correct. There is no way to stop or reverse it as a trend of the times.

Scientific outlook on development

The Scientific Outlook on Development is an important guiding principle for China's economic and social development.

A harmonious socialist society must be built to apply the concept. Only through development, the society's material will increase, people's lives will be improved and social equity and justice can be guaranteed.

Attaining a moderately prosperous society
New and higher requirements for China's development have been set in the report.

The per capita GDP in 2020 is scheduled to be four times as the one in 2000.

Socialist democracy and citizens’participation in political affairs will be expanded.

The cultural industry will account more in the national economy and become more competitive internationally.

Middle-income people will take the majority of population.
Development of national economy

To attain the objectives for economic development, the report says the core of the national development strategy is enhancing China's capacity for independent innovation and making China an innovative country.

Transform the mode of economic development and upgrade the industrial structure.

Balance urban and rural development and build a new socialist countryside.

Improve energy, resources, and environmental protection. China will enhance the capacity to respond to climate change and make new contributions to protecting the global climate.

Promote balanced development among regions.

Improve the basic economic system and the modern market system. Ensure equal protection of property rights and deepen the reform of monopoly industries by introducing competition.

Deepen fiscal, taxation and financial restructuring and improve macroeconomic regulation. Improve the structure of the capital market and the RMB exchange rate regime.

Expand opening up and improve the open economy. Develop service trade.

Develop socialist democracy

The deepening of political restructuring must be kept to a correct political orientation.

Develop primary-level democracy and ensure people enjoy democratic rights in a more extensive and practical way.

Comprehensively implement the rule of law.

Select and recommend a greater number of outstanding non-CPC persons for leading positions.

Build a service-oriented government.

Promote socialist culture

To enhance culture as part of China's soft power, socialist core values must be built up, including patriotism-centered national spirit and the socialist maxims of honor and disgrace.

Foster a culture of harmony and cultivate civilized practices.

Promote Chinese culture and build the common spiritual home for the nation.

Stimulate cultural innovation and enhance the vitality of cultural development.

Improving people's livelihood

More importance must be attached to social development on the basis of economic growth.

Give priority to education and turn China into a country rich in human resources. Make a society in which every citizen is committed to learning and pursues lifelong learning.

Promotes job creation and encourage entrepreneurship to create employment opportunities.

Deepen reform of the income distribution system and increase the income of both urban and rural residents.

Protect lawful incomes and enable more citizens to have property income.

Accelerate the establishment of a social security system covering both urban and rural residents and guarantee their basic living conditions.

Establish a basic medical and health care system and improve the health of the whole nation.
Modernization of national defense and armed forces

The Communist Party of China must exercise absolute leadership over the armed forces, whose fundamental purpose is serving the people.

Make the armed forces more modernized and standardized through science and technology, and promote innovation in military theory, technology, organization and management.

Practice of "One country, two systems" and national reunification

The central government will continue to implement the principle of “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong and Macao.

On the Taiwan issue, the Chinese government will never waver on the one-China principle, never abandon efforts to achieve peaceful reunification, and never compromise in its opposition to the secessionist activities aimed at “Taiwan independence.”

The Chinese government is ready to conduct dialogue and negotiations with any political party in Taiwan on any issue as long as it recognizes that both sides of the Straits belong to one and the same China.

Path of peaceful developmemt

China will follow the path of peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening up.

The Chinese government and people will stick to the theme of peace, development and cooperation, pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, safeguard China's interests in terms of sovereignty, security and development, and uphold its foreign policy purposes of maintaining world peace and promoting common development.

Building of CPC
The Communist Party of China must improve itself in a spirit of reform and innovation.

Continue to strengthen the Party's governance capability and focus on building high-quality leading bodies.

To expand democracy within the Party, the CPC will reform its electoral system and improve the system for nominating candidates and electoral methods. Gradually extend direct election of leading members in primary Party organizations to more places.

Strengthening the work on anti-corruption. While resolutely cracking down on corruption, the CPC will work harder to remove its root cause and take preventive measures.

The CPC will hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development.

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发表于 2007-10-17 22:45:33 | 显示全部楼层


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