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[【生命科学类】] 加拉帕戈斯的达尔文

发表于 2007-10-9 20:07:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《达尔文进化论全集》 (印数少的500本,多的2400,少的可怜)多好的一套书啊,中文版本到不少,但是参差不齐的厉害,也难怪,达尔文自己也是东一榔头西一棒的

(英)达尔文(Darwin Charles Rebert)著 周邦立译. 一个自然科学家在贝格尔舰上的环球旅行记. 科学出版社, 1957.

(英)查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Robert Darwin)著 褚律元译. 乘小猎犬号环球航行. 中国人民大学出版社, 2004.

(英)Ch.达尔文著 叶笃庄修订 周邦立原译. 贝格尔舰环球航行记. 科学出版社, 1998.

以叶笃庄先生修订版来说吧,为什么不直接从1860年修订版英译呢,搞什么修订啊 还整俄文本,额地神啊

达尔文 1860年2月1日

      我在第367页上提到过一种蛇,根据比勃龙(Bibron)先生的意见,它很像智利的一种蛇。冈特博士(Gunter)在《动物学会会报 1859年1月24日》说,这是这个地区特有的物种,在任何其他地区,还没有发现过它。

那就看看 Gunther 博士到底说的啥

题目:second list of cold-blooded vertebrata collected by Mr.Fraser in the Andes of western Ecuador
Dr.A.Gunther, foreign member Zool.Soc.
Herpetodryas fuscus L.
       brunneus Gthr.
       rappii Gthr
也就是说,贡特尔1859年论文是关于Herpetodryas 这个蛇的,不过产地是厄瓜多尔,采集人也不是达尔文。


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-9 20:09:08 | 显示全部楼层

Letter 2725 — Darwin, C. R. to Günther, A. C. L. G., 6 Mar [1860?]

Reports on the snakes he collected in the Galapagos.

Down Bromley Kent

March 6th

Dear Sir

I trouble you with one line to say that I have looked to my original catalogue, & find that I collected 5 specimens of Snakes at the Galapagos from Charles & James Islands.—f2 These snakes I briefly describe as far as colour & stripes are concerned in my Catalogue; & as they differ somewhat in colour, & as when I published the 1st.Edition no Erpetologist had looked at the snakes, I was led into the blunder of supposing that there were several species.f3 This blunder I corrected as soon as M. Bibron had provisionally looked over my collection.— Perhaps Mr Bell may have some specimens of mine from the Galapagos.f4

Dear Sir | Yours very faithfully | C. Darwin

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-9 20:27:58 | 显示全部楼层

CD's catalogue of reptile specimens collected during the Beagle voyage is in the British Museum (Natural History). His `Diary of observations on zoology' (DAR 30 and 31) does not contain descriptions of a Gal碼pagos snake. The letter is a response to a paper Gunther had read to the Zoological Society of London in January (Gunther 1860). CD may have attended the meeting: he was in London on 24 January (Emma Darwin's diary) and was keen to discuss the distribution of Gal碼pagos birds with Philip Lutley Sclater, the secretary of the Zoological Society (see letter from P. L. Sclater, [3? February 1860], and letter to P. L. Sclater, 4 February [1860]). In the paper, Gunther described a new species of snake (Herpetodryas biserialis) from the Gal碼pagos Islands and stated that it was the only snake found there. Between the date of the meeting and publication of the paper, Gunther's attention was drawn to CD's record of a different species of snake on the Gal碼pagos (Gunther 1860). CD's letter supplied additional information that Gunther appended in a note to his paper (Gunther 1860, p. 97 n.): Darwin says in his Journ. of Research., p. 381, speaking on the Zoology of the Galapagos Islands:—``There is one snake which is numerous; it is identical, as I am informed by M. Bibron, with the Psammophis temminckii from Chile.'' Although subsequently, in the `Erp磂tologie G磂n磂rale,' nothing is mentioned by Dum磂ril and Bibron about the occurrence of P. temminckii, or of any other snake, in these islands, that determination of Bibron may possibly be correct. If such be the case, there are two species of Snakes in that group of islands.


When CD published Journal of researches in 1839, he did not have access to the detailed descriptions of his reptile collection. Thomas Bell, who had agreed to describe the collection for Reptiles, passed the snakes on to Gabriel Bibron (Reptiles, p. vi). Bibron, however, was unable to complete the final part of his Erp磂tologie g磂n磂rale (Dum磂ril and Bibron 1834--54), and CD's collection remained undescribed. A pencil note in the back of CD's copy of Journal of researches 2d ed. (Cambridge University Library) reads: `Dr Gunter has shown. Zoolog Soc. Jan 24 60 that the snake from Galapagos is distinct from that of St Domingo: American form'. On page 381, in the margin next to the description of the snake, CD noted in ink: `No | Dr Guunter says endemic species.' CD managed to insert a note about the snake in the revised `postscript' added to the new issue of Journal of researches (1860), p. vii: The snake mentioned at page 381, as being, on the authority of M. Bibron, the same with a Chilian species, is stated by Dr. Gunter (Zoolog. Soc., Jan. 24th, 1859) to be a peculiar species, not known to inhabit any other country. CD erred in the spelling of Gunther's name and in giving 1859 as the year of publication of Gunther 1860.

第一 贡特尔的名字(没啥 可说的 他是德国人 名字本来就多俩冒号还)
第二 贡特尔论文出版的年份

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-9 22:11:41 | 显示全部楼层

    1860年2月 达尔文即在 《贝格尔环球航行考察日记》修订二版 加上这段“著者附言”

“我在第367页上提到过一种蛇,根据比勃龙(Bibron)先生的意见,它很像智利的一种蛇。冈特博士(Gunter)在《动物学会会报 1859年1月24日》说,这是这个地区特有的物种,在任何其他地区,还没有发现过它。”


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