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[[资源推荐]] 自考“英语(二)”完整讲义(15)

发表于 2007-10-9 07:54:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
10 convincing : a.令人信服的;有说服力的;

  派生词:convince v.使人信服,使… 相信

  用法:She is very convincing .她很另人信服。

  Convince sb.of sth.使某人确信某事; convince sb.that 从句

  We failed to convince him of his mistakes.我们没能使他相信他是错误的。

  Careful observation convinced them that it was so.仔细的观察使他们相信情况是这样的。

  11 companion : n.同伴,同行,伴侣,同事

  派生词:company n.同伴,陪伴 ; accompany v.陪同,陪伴

  用法:He is a good companion on the journey.他是个好旅伴。

  表示“同事”的词:associate, colleague, fellow official, fellowworker, co-worker

  12 operate : v.操作,运行,起作用;动手术

  派生词:operation n.操作

  用法:The machine isn't operating properly.机器运转不正常。

  He operated on the eyes of the patient.他给病人的眼睛动了手术。

  Has the medicine started to operate ? 药物开始见效了吗?


  1.to research into 研究

  She is researching into possible cures for AIDS.


  2 speculation about : 关于… 的猜测

  We heard all kinds of speculation about the cause of the President's death.我们听到关于总统死亡原因的种种猜测。

  People have much speculation about the government's intentions.对政府的意图,人们作了许多猜测。

  3 to swallow up : 吞没;并吞

  His wife's clothes bill swallowed up his wages .老婆买的衣服耗尽了他的工资。

  The fog swallowed up the whole city.雾笼罩全城。

  She swallowed the medicine with the help of some water.她用水把药咽下了。

  His figure was swallowed up in the dark.他的身影消失在黑暗中。

  4 to make use of :利用= to take advantage of

  We should make good use of our leisure time.我们应该好好利用休闲时间。

  He was making full use of his opportunity.他正充分利用他的机会。

  to reduce … to 简化,归纳,迫使

  Months' bombing reduced the city to ruins.


  5 to apply to 适用于

  It does not apply to you.它不适用于你。


  Black Hole

  What is a black hole? Well, it's difficult to answer this question, since the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate here.Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing ) into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape - not even light.So we can't see a black hole.A black hole exerts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter.It is only space - or so we think.How can this happen?

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