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[[资源推荐]] PETS三级听力长对话

发表于 2007-10-5 15:40:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
B部分包含了四段长对话或者独白,一共15个选择题。按照大纲对三级听力的 “能够听懂英语的一般性谈话或讨论”的要求,这部分的篇幅比较长(每段对话或独白长度大约200词左右),包含的信息量要比A部分大得多,没有上下文提示或信息重复,而且三至四个问题接踵而来,同学们往往感觉疲于应付,比起短对话部分要难一些。
  4、转折/对比原则:在听B部分的时候,要特别注意一些带有转折含义或者对比含义的表达,因为这里往往会成为考点。转折典型词汇如but, however, nevertheless, while, in fact, except for等等;对比典型词汇如compared to, unlike, instead, on the other hand, in contrast to等等。
  W:Wake up, Erik, time to rise and shine.
  M:Huh, Oh, hi, Jane. I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.
  W:You and everyone else. It looks more like a campground than a library.
  M:Well, the dorm is too noisy to study in and I guess this place is too quiet.
  W:Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper?
  M:No, Professor Grant told us to write about anything in cultural anthropology. For once I wish she hadn’t given us so much of a choice.
  W:Well, why not write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico. You seem to be interested in that part of the world.
  M:I am, but there is too much material to cover. I’ll be writing forever, and Grant only wants five to seven pages.
  W:So then limit it to one region of Mexico. Say the Yucantan. You’ve been there and you said it’s got lots of interesting relics.
  M:That’s not a bad idea. I brought plenty of books and things back with me last summer, that would be great resource material. Now if I could only remember where I put them?
  1.What was the man doing when the woman approached him?
  A) Reading. B) Sleeping.
  C) Doing research. D) Planning a trip.
  2.What seems to be the man’s problem?
  A) He can’t sleep at night.
  B) He can’t find a quiet place to study.
  C) He can’t narrow down his research topic.
  D) He can’t find enough information for his research paper.
  3. What’s known about Professor Grant?
  A) She has been to Mexico.
  B) She assigns long research papers.
  C) She teaches cultural anthropology.
  D) She collects ancient relics.
  4.Why doesn’t the man want to write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico?
  A) It would require a trip to Mexico.
  B) It’s too broad a topic to research.
  D) He’s not interested in that part of the world.
  1、根据顺序原则,我们可知此题考点在开头,根据男生的话:I must have fallen asleep while I was reading. (我一定是看书的时候睡着了。)可选出B。
  2、根据男生的抱怨:For once I wish she hadn’t given us so much of a choice.(我真希望她没有给我们这么多的选择。)说明他没法把研究的选题范围缩小(He can’t narrow down his research topic),答案选C。
  3、根据文章中出现的人名Professor Grant要他们写有关人类学的文章(Professor Grant told us to write about anything in cultural anthropology.) 可以判断出她教授人类学的课程,答案选C。
  4、根据男生的抱怨:there is too much material to cover. I’ll be writing forever.(材料太多了,我没法写。)说明研究的选题范围太大太广(It’s too broad a topic to research.),答案选B。
  Wilt Chamberlain is retired now, but he used to be a famous basketball player. He set sixty-five different records, and still holds many of them. During the final years of his career, he drew a large salary and became very wealthy. He even built himself a $1.5 million house. Yet, despite his personal success, he led his teams to only one championship. His teams often won enough games to qualify for the final rounds, but they almost always lost in the finals. As a result, Wilt became determined to win one more championship before he retired. In 1972, while Wilt was playing against a New York team, he fell down and hit his wrist on the floor. He felt pain immediately and knew that he had hurt himself badly. When a doctor examined Wilt, he confirmed Wilt’s fears. He told Wilt that he had broken a bone in the wrist and that he could not play any more. Wilt ignored his doctor’s advice. The next night, with his many fans watching in amazement, he not only played the entire game, but he was outstanding. His team won the game and the championship. Wilt had his wish—to be a winner one last time.
  11.Why was Wilt Chamberlain considered a famous basketball player?
  A) Because he led his teams to many championships.
  B) Because he set 65 different records.
  C) Because he still played the game after he retired.
  D) Because he didn’t stop playing even when he was seriously injured.
  12.What happened to Wilt Chamberlain in 1972?
  A) He lost the final chance to win a championship.
  B) He was knocked out during one contest.
  C) He broke a bone in his wrist during a match.
  D) He was awarded with a $1.5 million house.
  13.What was Wilt Chamberlain determined to do before he retired?
  A) To break the previous records.
  B) To buy a luxury house.
  C) To win one more championship for his team.
  D) To play against the New York team once again.
  11、此题根据顺序原则,我们知道应该是开头提出的考点。短文第一句话先介绍了张伯伦的篮球运动员的身份,随后就说明“He has set sixty-five different records”(他拥有65项NBA的记录)。根据视听一致,听到什么选什么原则,我们可以选出B。
  13、根据顺序原则,最后一句话:Wilt had his wish — to be a winner one last time.(Wilt实现了他的愿望,最后再当一次冠军),答案选C。
  3、多进行速记和记忆方面的训练: B部分要求考生在很短的时间内记住听到的重要信息,这需要很强的短期记忆能力。考生可掌握一些速记的方法,比如利用缩略词、符号、首字母等记下重要的数字、时间、地点、中心词等。

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