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[【品味书香】] China's Global Activism: Strategy, Drivers, and Tools

发表于 2007-10-4 16:35:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
My analysis for this project draws heavily upon a wealth of data collected by a team of contractors and
research assistants over a 6-month period. I would like to acknowledge their specific contributions.
Daniel Melleby served as research coordinator for the project. He played a critical role in identifying
data sources and collection methods, writing the research protocol to ensure consistency of data collection
and analysis across different regions, collecting data for some key items, training and organizing the regional
researchers, and conducting quality reviews of the collected data. He created many of the graphics and maps
in the report and provided timely and extremely helpful comments on the first draft. This paper could not
have been completed without his contributions.
Henry Yep worked as an intern and research assistant on the project. His contributions included help-
ing identify data sources and methods, collecting much of the Asia data and centrally collected data to vali-
date the data collection profile, creating a variety of graphics and tables, and providing comments on the draft
report. He was also invaluable in preparing the report (and especially its graphics) for publication.
Tanya Hoke worked as an intern and research assistant on the project. Her contributions included help-
ing to identify data sources and methods and collecting much of the Asia data to validate the data collection
profile. She also found the graphics software used to create the maps in the appendix.
Tamara Shie provided administrative support for the contractors, research assistants, and interns work-
ing on the project. She collected some of the Asia data, commented on the draft report, and drafted the text
boxes Island Fever, Train in Vain? and Anatomy of a State Visit. Her cogent analysis of Chinese activities in the
South Pacific informed the argument.
Contractors/research assistants who collected data and performed analysis on Chinese activities in
individual regions included Arturo Hines (Europe); Reza Marashi (Middle East); Sonia Nagda (South Asia/
Former Soviet Union); Nicholas Samuelson (Latin America); and Ross van Horn (Africa). Lora Saalman
also assisted with the collection of Africa data. Catherine O’Keefe collected and analyzed data on Chinese
trade. Sonia Nagda, Reza Marashi, and Ross van Horn provided concise analysis on Chinese activities in their
regions that informed the paper’s arguments. Reza Marashi and Ross van Horn also provided useful com-
ments and proofreading assistance on the first draft.
Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) intern Brian Harding came late to the project but pro-
vided timely research assistance at critical moments. He drafted the text box Language and Soft Power. INSS
interns Daniel Michaeli and Erik Quan proofread the manuscript; INSS research assistant Steven Duke
assisted with final editing and proofreading.
I would like to thank INSS Director Stephen J. Flanagan and INSS Research Director James Schear
for their strong support and their insightful and timely comments on multiple drafts. Col. Anne Moisan,
USAF, Don Mosser, and Deborah Jefferson found space for researchers and processed their contracts. INSS
colleagues James Przystup, Renata Louie, Jay Cope, and Robert Oakley graciously shared their expertise.
Dr. Jeffrey Smotherman of NDU Press was responsible for copyediting.
Several experts commented on drafts: Ellen Frost (Institute of International Economics); Erica S. Downs
(Brookings Institution); Leif Rosenberger (U.S. Pacific Command); David Helvey (Office of the Secretary of
Defense); LTC Heino Klinck (U.S. Defense Attache Office Beijing); Bernard Cole (National War College);
and Cynthia Watson (National War College). Others helped to locate data sources: Mikkal Herberg (National
Bureau of Asian Research); David Zweig (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Jason Kindopp
(Eurasia Group); and Eric Heginbotham (RAND). Thanks to all for their assistance.
Linnea Claire Saunders and Miles Campbell Saunders tried their best to ensure this report was never
finished; Julie Hayne made sure they did not succeed.
—Phillip C. Saunders


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