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[[资源推荐]] “深夜”的英语表达法

发表于 2007-10-2 08:49:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. deep into the night 深夜,夜深人静
Deep into the night, outside Washington, the bus pulled into Howard Johnson's, and everybody got off except Vingo.  深夜,汽车驶抵华盛顿郊外,停进了Howard Johnson餐馆,除了文戈,每个人都下车了。

2. late at (that) night 深夜,夜深人静
I arrived at the inn late at night and asked the landlord for a room. 我深夜到达酒店,要求店主开个房间。

3. in the dead of night 深夜,夜深人静
Jim, a heartless fellow, was heard shouting at his mother in the dead of night.  人们听见吉姆,一个无情的年轻人,在深夜向他母亲大声吼叫。

4. late into the night 深夜,夜深人静
By calling teaching a red-eye profession, the author means that teachers usually work late into the night.  把教书称之为熬红眼睛的职业,作者的意思是:教师常常工作到深夜。

5. late in the evening 深夜,夜深人静
Often, one barely has time to catch one's breath between tasks, and he often must stay up late in the evening to work on what he is going to teach the next day.  常常一个教师在两堂课之间几乎没有膪踹息时间,而且为准备第二天要上的课还得熬到深夜。

6. far into the night 深夜,夜深人静
My mother and her neighbours sat in the yard in the evening to have a
little chat and wound up talking far into the night. 我的母亲和她的邻居晚上坐在院子里聊天,到深夜才结束谈话。  

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