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[[资源推荐]] An Interview on Green Card Program

发表于 2007-9-26 17:44:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Question: As a non-immigration country, it is quite unusual for Germany to offer foreign experts this opportunity for an overseas working experience. And the rules concerning Green Card program have come into effect, but for what reasons?
Answer: With the “ Green Card” initiative the German government has created a suitable instrument for eliminating an acute shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector. And the industry needs to take advantage of this opportunity. The new Green Card rule coming into effect on August 1st 2000 can ease the shortage of specialist staff in the booming information technology sector. As a result, IT specialists from non? EU countries will also be able to work in Germany.
Question: Who will be allowed to come to Germany under the “ Green Card” program aimed at alleviating the current shortage of IT specialists? Will the issuance of entry visas be limited to persons from specific countries?
Answer: Computer specialists with university and polytechnic qualifications, e.g. Bachelor\\'s or Master\\'s Degrees, will be allowed to work in Germany for a limited period of time. Additionally, specialists without a degree can also work here, provided the employer is willing to pay an (annual) salary of at least 100,000 DM. This arrangement will apply to all job applicants from non-EU countries. There will be no limitation to persons from any specific countries.
Question: How many IT specialists will be allowed to come to Germany?
Answer: A total of 20,000 under an agreement reached between the German federal government and the industrial associations in the information and communications technology sector. After 10,000 work permits have been issued a monitoring procedure is to be carried out to determine if there is further need for computer specialists.
Question: Is the period of employment in Germany to be subject to a time limit?
Answer: Yes. Over the medium term the need for IT specialists is to be satisfied on the domestic labour market. The period of employment for top? level computer specialists from abroad is to be limited to three years with the possibility of getting an extension for up to two more years, i.e. for a maximum total of up to five years.
Question: Will these people be allowed to bring their families with them to Germany?
Answer: Yes. The IT specialists in question are to be granted residence permits. Under German law residence permits entitle holders (as long as all the other pertinent provisions of law governing foreign residents have been complied with) to bring their families to Germany right away or, failing that, to bring them to Germany at a later point in time.
Question: Can foreign computer specialists already be hired under the “ Green Card” program or will it be necessary to wait until the requisite changes have been made in the laws governing the issuance of work and residence permits? Can preparations for hiring computer specialists be made now?
Answer: The Federal Employment Agency is already able to say what its personnel requirements are. It is now checking to see whether there are any suitable applicants from Germany or other EU countries, since they would have to be given priority for job placement. If this is not the case, then the first step will have been taken towards opening up the procedure for allowing foreign computer specialists to take jobs in Germany.
Question: Whom can foreign IT specialists wanting to work in Germany turn to? How can they document their qualifications?
Answer: Persons wanting to work in Germany should apply to the “ Zentralstelle fü r Arbeitsvermittlung” (ZAV) in Bonn. It can be reached by e-mail at the following address: “ Bonn-ZAV.IT- Experts@arbeitsamt.de” . Mail in your request. ZAV will take it from there. ZAV will be responsible, for instance, for checking applicants\\' qualifications on the basis of certificates presented and, if necessary, their translations.
Question: When will the first IT specialists from non? EU countries be allowed to come to Germany?
Answer: The requisite legal regulations went into effect on August 1st 2000. After that it is possible to start admitting job applicants.
Question: According to your statistics, how many “ Green Card” have you issued till now?
Answer: Since the German government\\'s “ Green Card” initiative began on August 1st 2000 a total of 4,441 foreign IT specialists have been hired by German companies (figure as of 5 January 2001).


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