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[【学科前沿】] 产后抑郁症

发表于 2007-9-25 12:13:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
产后抑郁症: 新妈妈应该了解的5件事


许多产妇认为如果在产后3-4个月时或者更晚的时候开始出现的糟糕情绪,跟产后抑郁症没有关系。显而易见,即使是DSM-IV,精神病诊断手册在诊断精神性疾病时,如果这些症状发生在产后四周内,才诊断为产后疾病,这是不正确的,产后精神失调症可以发生在产后一年内的任何时间,尽管多数患者疾病是在产后2 -4个月诊断的




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5 Things Every New Mother Should Know About PPD

Iwas recently asked to put together a list of things women should knowabout postpartum depression. I thought a lot about what I went throughin 2001 with postpartum OCD, and the things I wish I had known that Ibelieve would have lessened the severity of my experience. While thelist below certainly doesn't cover everything, I think it's a goodstart and I hope it will help many women in their journey as newmothers.

PPD can and often does happen.

Many pregnancybooks and childbirth educators gloss over postpartum mood disorders.They minimally describe the symptoms and emphasize how rare it is.Actually, 10-15% of new moms experience these illnesses, and somestudies report it may be as high as 25%. My childbirth educator toldour class that we really needn't spend too much time worrying about it,so I didn't, and thus I was completely unprepared for what hit me.

Postpartum depression is only one in a spectrum of postpartum illnesses.

Postpartummood disorders include postpartum depression (PPD), postpartumobsessive compulsive disorder (PPOCD), postpartum psychosis (PPP) andpostpartum post-traumatic stress disorder. PPOCD is often characterizedby intrusive thoughts, which are disturbing unwanted thoughts. When Iexperienced my first intrusive thoughts -- about smothering my infantson with the burpcloth -- I had never heard of such things. No one evertold me they were possible. I was convinced I had just gone permanentlycrazy, and it never occurred to me that I had PPOCD. If I had beenbetter informed, I would have felt comfort in knowing what was wrongand that immediate treatment was available. Instead I kept quiet forweeks because I was afraid I'd be locked up forever and lose my family.(For more information on each illness and its symptoms, visit thePostpartum Support International website at http://www.postpartum.net/brief.html )

Symptoms can appear anytime during the first year after birth.

Manywomen think that if they start feeling bad when their child is 3 or 4months old, or even older, that it can't be related to postpartumdepression. Apparently, even the DSM-IV, the manual that psychiatricprofessionals use to diagnose psychiatric illnesses, states that yourillness can only be diagnosed as postpartum if the symptoms show upwithin the first four weeks after birth. This isn't necessarily true.Postpartum mood disorders can occur any time within the first yearafter the birth of your baby, though it is true that most are diagnosedwithin 2 to 4 months postpartum.

Ask your friends and family to be prepared.

It'simportant to talk about the possibility that you might experience someform of postpartum mood disorder with the people closest to you. Askthem to educate themselves. Sometimes we can't see that we're actingdifferently, or we try to convince ourselves we're fine andpurposefully ignore our symptoms. In that case, it often takes someoneclose to us to point out that we might need help. Neither my husbandnor my mother knew about what to look for or what to do about it, whichmade it harder on all of us.

The sooner you get treatment the better.

Manyrecent studies show that children of mothers with postpartum mooddisorders who go untreated for long periods can be negatively impactedover the long term with behavioral problems. A study published in 2006in the Journal of the American Medical Association(http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/short/295/12/1389), for instance,found that children of mothers who have received treatment viamedication for major depression or anxiety are less likely to bediagnosed with anxiety, disruptive and depressive disorders themselves,compared to children of women who remain untreated. You MUST push pastthe fear and speak up to lessen the impact of these illnesses onyourself and your children. You must be willing to say how you arefeeling and seek treatment so that not only you, but your whole familycan heal.

http://postpartumprogress.typepa ... -things-every-.html

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