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[【学科前沿】] 研究表明母乳中尼古丁影响发育

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-9-16 10:23:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
nicotine in breast milk Harms Development,Study Says

Even more reason to support giving up smoking has been published in a study from the Monell Chemical Senses Center. This new study took a look at the effects of nicotine in breast milk on babies sleeping abilities.

The study found that mothers who were smokers passed nicotine onto their breastfeeding children through breast milk causing the babies sleep to be disrupted. As a result of these new findings more questions have arisen about the effects nicotine in breast milk is having on a babies' development.

The results of this study have just been published in &#39aediatrics'.
研究结果最近发表于《儿科》杂志 。

The head author of the study Julia A. Mennella PhD, a Monell psychologist said, \"Infants spent less time sleeping overall and woke up from naps sooner when their mothers smoked prior to breastfeeding.\"
研究第一作者、Monell心理学家 Julia A. Mennella博士称,如果婴儿的母亲在哺乳前吸烟,那么这些孩子整体睡眠时间减少,觉醒更快 。

It is widely know that smoking during pregnancy can be harmful to the health of a unborn child leading to most women quitting smoking while pregnant or cutting down. However, after they give birth many of these women pick the habit back up again. Nicotine in breast milk has not been taken seriously in the past and because of this many new mothers may not think it being present in their breast milk is causing any harm to their children. The mother may feel that so long as they are not exposing their child to cigarette smoke it is OK.

This new study attempts to fill the gap in an area that has been neglected. It is known that nicotine can result in developmental problems in the brain which in the long t term can lead to learning and behavioral problems.

The study observed 15 babies between 2 and 7 months old, that were being breastfeed for periods of 3 and a half hours on two different days. Each mother that was used in the study was a smoker. Before each observation session the mother was asked not to smoker for the previous 12 hours.

For one of the sessions each mother was asked to smoke between 1 and 3 cigarettes just before the start of the observations and for the other session did not smoke any cigarettes. Children were then breastfeed when they were hungry over the 3 and a half hour period.

It was found that when the mothers smoked the sleep of the children was disrupted totalling 53 minutes compared to 83 minutes when the mother did not smoke. It was also found that during the session where the mother smoked, the length of sleeping times was shortened.

As a result of these findings Mennella suggests that exposing a child early to the taste of tobacco through breast milk could potentially increase that child's chances of smoking when older.

The findings also highlight that this area is in need of further research and that breastfeeding mothers need programmes to help them give up smoking.



Monell化学觉中心探讨了母乳中尼古丁对婴儿睡眠能力的影响,结果表明,吸烟母亲通过乳汁将尼古丁传给吸吮母乳的婴儿,使其睡眠受到干扰。研究结果最近发表于《儿科》杂志 。
Monell心理学家 Julia A. Mennella博士称,如果婴儿的母亲在哺乳前吸烟,那么这些孩子整体睡眠时间减少,觉醒更快 。
研究观察了15例生后2天至7个月大的母乳喂养婴儿,在不同的2天内各观察3小时半。研究中的所有母亲都是吸烟者,每次观察前要求母亲停止抽烟12个小时。 第一次观察时,每位母亲在哺乳前吸1至3只香烟,另一次则不吸。结果表明,母亲吸烟时,婴儿整体睡眠53分钟后中断,母亲不吸烟时为83分钟。

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