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[[资源推荐]] 有关穿戴的习语

发表于 2007-8-22 19:41:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[日期:2007-08-19] 来源:百度英语吧 作者:未知 [字体:大 中 小]



It was a feather in his cap to win first prize.(光荣)
Miss Stone told her pupiles to put on her thinking caps before answering the questions.(仔细考虑)
First the lights went out,next a water pipe burst,and then,to cap it all,part of the ceiling fell down.(到末了)
When she got there,she found the man was waiting at the gate cap in hand.(恭敬)
John said that the earth was nearer the sun in summer,but the teacher said he was talking through his hat.(吹牛)
Whatever you know about this business,keep it under your hat.(保密)
If you need a babysitter quickly,call Mary,because she will come at a drop of a hat.(马上)

Mrs. Martin trusted the lawyer until she realized that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing.(伪君子)
The Lin-Jiang anti-Party clique committed towering crimes under the cloak of \"standard-bearers\".(打着...的幌子)
It was a cloak-and-dagger story about some spies who tried to steal atomic secrets.(侦探的)
At that time we didn't know he was a turncoat.(变节分子)
The little boys were swimming in the birthday suits.(赤条条)
In those days I did not even have a shirt to my back.How could I afford to go to school?(身无分文)
He was quite generous.He'd give you the shirt off his back.(慷慨解囊)
Bob got very angry about this,but John told him to keep his shirt on.(平静下来)
If he behaves like that again,send him to me,and I'll give him a dressing down.(严厉批评)

Mr. Jones talks a lot but Mrs. Jones wears the trousers(pants) in their house.(掌权)
Jane cannot sit still;she has ants in her pants.(猴子屁股)
The coach told the players to get the lead out of their pants.(加把劲)

Johnny thinks the job is easy,but he will soon find out where the shoe pinches.(困难之处)
When the boss retires,his son will step in his shoes.(继承...衣钵)
The most famous people are sometimes as common as an old shoe.(谦虚)
I hear there is an offcial inquiry into the affairs of that company.I bet some of the staff are trembling in their shoes(boots).(惧怕)
It's about time someone put that fellow in his place;his getting too big for his boots.(骄傲)
A wise leader would not want his friends and officials to lick his boots(shoes).(拍马)

Jiang Qing worked hand in glove with Lin Biao to usurp Party and state power.(勾结)
Her new dress fits her like a glove.(非常合适)
Sally is such a baby that she cries if the teacher does not handle her with kid gloves.(温和对待)
I don't like those people who wear yellow stokings.(妒忌)

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