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[【学科前沿】] 人造生命预计3~10年后出现

sunshinecs 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-8-22 00:47:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Artificial life likely in 3 to 10 years

WASHINGTON -- Around the world, a handful of scientists are trying to create life from scratch and they're getting closer.

Experts expect an announcement within three to 10 years from someone in the now little-known field of \"wet artificial life.\"

\"It's going to be a big deal and everybody's going to know about it,\" said Mark Bedau, chief operating officer of ProtoLife of Venice, Italy, one of those in the race. \"We're talking about a technology that could change our world in pretty fundamental ways - in fact, in ways that are impossible to predict.\"

That first cell of synthetic life - made from the basic chemicals in DNA - may not seem like much to non-scientists. For one thing, you'll have to look in a microscope to see it.

\"Creating protocells has the potential to shed new light on our place in the universe,\" Bedau said. \"This will remove one of the few fundamental mysteries about creation in the universe and our role.\"

And several scientists believe man-made life forms will one day offer the potential for solving a variety of problems, from fighting diseases to locking up greenhouse gases to eating toxic waste.

Bedau figures there are three major hurdles to creating synthetic life:

- A container, or membrane, for the cell to keep bad molecules out, allow good ones, and the ability to multiply.

- A genetic system that controls the functions of the cell, enabling it to reproduce and mutate in response to environmental changes.

- A metabolism that extracts raw materials from the environment as food and then changes it into energy.

One of the leaders in the field, Jack Szostak at Harvard Medical School, predicts that within the next six months, scientists will report evidence that the first step - creating a cell membrane - is \"not a big problem.\" Scientists are using fatty acids in that effort.

Szostak is also optimistic about the next step - getting nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, to form a working genetic system.

His idea is that once the container is made, if scientists add nucleotides in the right proportions, then Darwinian evolution could simply take over.

\"We aren't smart enough to design things, we just let evolution do the hard work and then we figure out what happened,\" Szostak said.

In Gainesville, Fla., Steve Benner, a biological chemist at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution is attacking that problem by going outside of natural genetics. Normal DNA consists of four bases - adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine (known as A,C,G,T) - molecules that spell out the genetic code in pairs. Benner is trying to add eight new bases to the genetic alphabet.

Bedau said there are legitimate worries about creating life that could \"run amok,\" but there are ways of addressing it, and it will be a very long time before that is a problem.

\"When these things are created, they're going to be so weak, it'll be a huge achievement if you can keep them alive for an hour in the lab,\" he said. \"But them getting out and taking over, never in our imagination could this happen.\"

图:This undated photo provided by ProtoLife Srl.of Venice, Italy, shows vesicles, artificial membranes for cells, made from scratch. Teams around the world, including ProtoLife, are trying to create synthetic life from scratch, and the first step many of them are working on is making a container for the life form such as these vesicles. The large cell container (with little ones inside of it), shown in computer-created coloring, is about the thickness of a human hair. (AP Photo/Protolife Srl., Martin Hanczyc)

美联社科学作者:Seth Borenstein

  华盛顿──世界上有这么一群科学家,他们正“白手起家”,从零开始创造生命。现在,他们离这个目标更近了。专家们希望在未来的3到10年时间里有望在“wet artifical life”领域取得突破。



  但是对于贝度来说,“制造原型细胞可以从新的视角来了解我们在宇宙所处的位置,它将可以解开有关宇宙创造和人类角色的基本谜团。” 而其他一些科学家认为,未来的某一天可以利用人造生命来解决各种实际问题,从治疗疾病到吸附温室气体再到清除有毒垃圾。


该研究领域的主要科学家、哈佛医学院的杰克·斯卓斯达克预计,科学家们会在未来6个月里根据对脂肪酸的努力研究,给出第一步的证据——制造细胞膜不是大问题。斯卓斯达克还看好第二步——将DNA的制造元件核苷酸整合成可工作的基因系统。他认为一旦有了细胞膜的保护,如果科学家能再以适当的比例加入核苷酸,那么达尔文进化理论就能简单实现。 他说,“我们没有足够的智慧来设计,但是进化本身能够解决复杂问题,我们只要指出结果就行了。”



图:该图片由意大利威尼斯的ProtoLife公司提供,这些从零开始合成的小囊泡可以被细胞用来制作人工细胞膜。世界各地的研究队伍,包括ProtoLife公司,正在白手起家创造人工生命,而作为研究的第一步就是合成类似的小囊泡来装载“生命”。大的细胞囊泡,有一个小的囊泡在里面,由电脑绘成了彩色,其厚度大概是一根人类头发丝。(美联社/Protolife公司,Martin Hanczyc)

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