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[【学科前沿】] 第九届HUGO人类基因组突变国际研讨会

发表于 2007-7-22 21:18:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
IXth International Symposium on Mutations in the Genome


(www.mutationdetection.org, 2007.9.23-27, 厦门)


  经国家教育部批准,由国际人类基因组组织(HUGO)下属的人类基因组突变协会(Human Genome Variation Society)主办,厦门大学和厦门市科技局联合承办的“第九届HUGO人类基因组突变国际研讨会”定于2007年9月23日至27日在厦门国际会展中心酒店召开。这次是该久负盛名的会议首次在亚洲国家举行。
  国际人类基因组突变协会主席Richard G. H. Cotton教授为本届研讨会主席,会议设大会报告和报展两种形式,同时将设公司相关展览,会议语言为英语。欢迎所有相关研究领域的学者、研究生、公司高层研发人员参加会议。


  1.   Rapid nucleic acid detection using smart microfluidic-microarray compact disks. Michael Bergeron, Professor and Head of Laval University Infectious Diseases Research Center /Chairman of the Board of the Canadian Foundation Louis Pasteur, CANADA

  2.   Human genome variation databases. Richard Cotton, Professor and Head of the Genomic Disorders Research Centre/Treasurer of HUGO, AUSTRALIA.

  3.   Molecular Inversion Probes. Wenzhong Xiao, Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry Stanford Genome Technology Center of Stanford University, USA

  4.   Pathogenic or Not? & Software. Johan den Dunnen, Department of Human and Clinical Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, NETHERLAND.

  5.   Copy Number Variation. Evan Eichler, Associate Professor of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington, USA.

  6.   Forensics DNA Print Genomics. Tony Frudakis, President and Chief Executive Officer of GAFF Biologic, USA.

  7.   Mass Spectrum Applications in genotyping. Ivo Gut, Team leader of SNP genotyping, The Centre National de Génotypage, France.

  8.   Complex Disorders & Molecular Methods. Pui-Yan Kwok, Professor of Dermatology/Henry Bachrach Distinguished Professor of Cardiovascular Genetics in Cardiovascular Research Institute, USA

  9.   Real-time PAP for somatic mutation detection. Qingge Li, Professor of Molecular Diagnostics, Xiamen University, CHINA

10.   Fetal nucleic acids in maternal plasma. Denis YM Lo, Li Ka Shing Professor of Chemical Pathology, Hong Kong Chinese University, HK, CHINA

11.   High-throughput genetic variation detection based on the arrayed DNA samples. Zuhong Lu, Li Ka Shing Professor and Director of the State key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, Southeastern University, CHINA.

12.   High Throughput Genotyping. Yusuke Nakamura, Professor and Director of Institute of Medical Science of Tokyo University, JAPAN.

13.   DNA Analysis at a single molecule level. Mats Nilsson, Associate Professor, Department of Genetics and Pathology of Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala University, SWEDEN.

14.   Allelic Imbalance in Gene Expression. Tomi Pastine, Canada Research Chair in Human Genomics, McGill University, CANADA.

15.   454 Applications. Stephan Schuster, Associate Professor in Eberly College of Science Department Biochemistry and Molecular Biolog of Pennsylvania State University, USA.

16.   Genotyping technology and application to complex disease. Ann-Christine Syv鋘en, Professor in Molecular Medicine, Research Department of Medical Sciences of Uppsala University Hospital, SWEDEN.

17.   DNA Conductivity. Nongjian Tao, Professor of electrical engineering and affiliated professor of chemistry and biochemistry of Arizona State University, USA.

18.   Quantum Dot Sensors. Jeff Tza-Huei Wang, Assistant Professor of Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering in Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Institute, USA.

19.   Systematics of Genomes: Beyond Phylogeny. Jun Yu, Professor in Genome Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science, CHINA.


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