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[[资源推荐]] 工作是杀手?

发表于 2007-7-14 00:54:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


时间: 2007年07月10日 15:57  作者:Alexandra Jennings  来源:《双语时代》

  Reduce stress at work for a healthy life.
  Most days of your life you get up, get dressed, eat breakfast and head to one of the most unhealthy places in the world- your work place. Deadlines, layoffs, pressure, inadequate wages and suffering an arsehole boss all cause stress and low morale. Stress is internal, which explains why it can wreak havoc on your health. It feels awful and gives you the sense that you're not in control. Work related stress is linked to a multitude of health complaints from heart disease to immune system disorders. Recent research from the University of Texas concludes that your job may even be killing you: People who feel stressed and not in control at work have a 43% greater risk of dying prematurely than other less stressed employees.
  Do you feel tense and anxious at work? Do your co-workers and/or boss make you crazy? Are your work habits and office environment putting your health at risk?
  Ask yourself a few key questions:
  Is your office in a state of constant chaos and disorganisation?
  Do you find yourself with the same stresses and same problems on your plate year after year?
  Do your career goals never seem to be achieved?
  Do you dread the start of each day at the office?
  Do you feel your work is in control of you?
  If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then your personal health and quality of life are likely to be negatively affected by work related stress.
  Unfortunately, very few of us can afford to quit their job and lead a stress-free, workfree lifestyle, but there are a variety of ways to cope with stress (without taking out your boss). Trying a few will go a long way towards helping you maintain your cool, improving your work life and keeping you healthy.
  Try some desk side yoga.
  We all know relaxation techniques like yoga can ease the body's harmful responses to stress,including tense muscles, a racing heart and agitation.
  Aromatherapy, inhaling the fragrant oils extracted from plants, can also reduce stress. Place an oil burner on your desk and add a few drops of your favourite oil.
  Lavender, Geranium, chamomile and clary sage relax and relieve stress. Rosemary stimulates and sharpens the mind.
  Relaxation for both the body and mind. Even a short ten minute shoulder massage can make you feel like you’ve been on vacation.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-14 00:55:45 | 显示全部楼层
  One thing at a time.
  Working on eight things at once might seem impressive, but actually it is exhausting,inefficient, and highly stressful. Structure your day to focus on one thing at a time. For example, check e-mails and respond to them all at once. Designate a time immediately after lunch and an hour before you leave for returning phone calls.
  Work in short bursts.
  It is hard to sustain creativity or intensity over one task for a long time. So every hour or so get up for five minutes, stretch, walk around, or do some yoga. This will help the quality of your work and by the time you finish your day, you'll have done around 30 minutes of stress-reducing exercise.
  Classify your work mates.
  A "D" is for people who drain your energy, and an "F" is for people who fill you up with energy. Avoid the D's as much as possible throughout the day. Conversely, when you're feeling tired and drained, take a few minutes to chat with an F, for an energy recharge.
  Praise yourself at least once a day.
  William James, the father of modern psychology said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind." So when you've completed a short or long-term goal, give yourself a pat on the back.
  By telling yourself out loud what a good job you've done you'll feel more positive,confident and energetic.
  Forgo the coffee.
  A study sponsored by the British Economic and Social Research Council found that when men drank coffee while working, it made them less effective. Caffeine also increases feelings of stress and heart rates, so stick to the decaf or herbal tea.
  Keep a travel magazine at your desk.
  When stressed, look at places you would like to visit. Daydream about your next holiday. It will help remind you of one reason you're working, and provide a few minutes of virtual vacation.
  Read a poem out loud twice a day.
  The cadence, words, and images will soothe your soul. Not into poetry? If you prefer music, listen to a few of your favourite songs. Listening to music substantially reduces not only feelings of stress but also levels of stress hormones.
  Keep a photo or memento on your desk.
  When you feel yourself getting stressed out, simply stare at the display. Recall the day the picture was taken. Hold the memento and return in your mind to the place where you got it. Now you're ready to return back to the working world a little more refreshed.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-14 00:56:17 | 显示全部楼层
  Keep a work journal.
  In it, you can write all the things you'd like to say to the boss/client/colleague so you get it out of your system without losing your job. It will also help you understand what it is about your job and your day that really drives you crazy, and what you actually enjoy. Remember to keep it locked away - you don't want your boss/client/colleague reading what you really think about them.
  Keep some plants or flowers.
  Place them near your computer. Studies find that plants significantly lower workplace stress and enhance productivity.
  Schedule a sick day.
  If you're experiencing an unusual number of headaches, sore neck, sore back, or other aches and pains, suffer from insomnia, or are snapping at your co-workers for no reason, it's time for a day off. Look at your calendar and choose the day you're going to call in sick. This is not lying -you are sick. It's just mental rather than physi-cal. Chances are that if you don’t have a day off,you will become sick.
  Schedule 10 minutes of "worry time".
  Focus on what is stressing you out. Think about your worry, why it worries you and the worst thing that could happen. Once you sit down and consider things objectively,you'll realize that it's highly unlikely it will ever happen, then you can get back to work with your worry load lightened.
  Take five minutes and draw. Sketch the scene around you, or something funny, or something peaceful. Using another part of your brain provides a much-needed
  Manage your e-mail.
  With about 5.5 trillion e-mails sent each year, an amount that increases 40 percent annually, this electronic form of communication has become a major source of workplace stress. To cope:
  Read e-mails once, answer immediately and delete if possible, Overflowing in-boxes are depressing.
  Reply to e-mail only when you have something to say.
  Never send an e-mail if you're angry.
  Don't e-mail and phone with the same message.
  If you've gone back and forth three times on a topic and you're still confused or have questions, pick up the phone.
  Talk to your best friend at work.
  Having a chat with a friend is a great stress reducer. Social support at work can lower blood pressure during the workday even during work-related stressful moments.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-14 00:56:53 | 显示全部楼层
  Leave the office for lunch every day.
  Getting out of the office, away from the stress and into a totally different environment,clears your mind and helps you put some perspective on whatever hassles are dogging your day.
  Munch on pumpkin seeds and/or chocolate.
  Pumpkin seeds are rich in iron, they can help counter the iron-depleting effects of a stressful workplace. Chocolate improves your mood, is stress relieving, and the sugar rush will give you a burst of energy. Just don't overdose.
  Try some beverage leverage.
  Increase your productivity and decrease your stress by keeping an invigorating beverage handy at your workstation. A cup of chamomile tea, known for its soothing properties will help you de-stress. A cup of peppermint tea invigorates and energises.
  Walk and talk slower.
  This tricks your body into thinking that things are calmer than they actually are.
  I hate my job.
  If you hate your job, spend a few minutes each evening rewriting your résumé, researching other job options, or contacting potential employers. This can help you better handle the stress at your current job, while productively seeking better work.
  Reward yourself.
  By rewarding yourself after completing a tough task makes everything more bearable and gives you something to look forward to. It might be a special dinner, a movie, a game of rackets, or a massage.
  Offer feedback.
  As they say, it's better to give than to receive. Provide praise and recognition to others at work whenever appropriate. You will feel good by making others feel good,and the good feeling will tend to spread. Think positive and you’ll feel good too.
  Plan ahead.
  When work is challenging, take a few minutes to delineate the tasks you need to do. Make a list, place boxes next to each item, and check off the boxes as you move through the list. You will avoid forgetting anything, you'll stay on task, organization will make you efficient, and it's very satisfying to check off those boxes.
  Socialize your work.
  Try a once-a-week lunch gathering with co-workers where you talk about a particular work issue. Use the collective brain to figure out how to do something better, improve the work facilities, enhance productivity, or improve relationships.
  Declutter your work station.
  Physical clutter reminds us of things that need to be done and that's stressful.Remove all unnecessary physical clutter from your desk and you'll eradicate your mental clutter, plus you'll feel energised.
  Take some advice from your grandma.
  The most effective steps to reduce stress you can take are the simplest: exercise, a healthy diet, regular sleep, moderate to minimal alcohol intake, and no smoking. It's the simplest, yet most sophisticated and cutting edge science available - and it works.

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