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发表于 2007-7-6 18:17:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Abstract: In this research, the author cultivated students’ innovative ability in many ways. Students’ innovative thinking and innovative consciousness were cultivated at first. Break through original thinking formula; overcome the limitation of inertial thinking. Take effective measure to instruct students to learn skills for innovating, explore divergent innovating skills, concentrated innovating skills, combinatorial innovating skills and reversal innovative skills of different kinds of innovating methods and skills. Improve classroom teaching, create innovative atmosphere, and design teaching materials that easy to develop students’ innovation, pay attention to the interest and practicability of the teaching content. Led students to make teaching aids by themselves according to the need of teaching, improve the structure of teaching aids, perfect the functions according to the want, increasing the effectiveness of experiments. Bring new techs to teaching constantly. Improve original experiment mode, vary the experiments from experimental type to explorative type. Make full use of high vocational college-students’ high practical ability, led them to solve problems in production and living creatively. Launch research-based learning actively, take problems as carriers and ties, led students to study voluntarily and cooperatively. Led them to discuss with others openly, learn from others and appreciate the initiation and development of modern techniques in person. Cultivate their innovating ability. We also explored the respective reform on evaluation system, to make students feel that, only studying and exploring through innovative opinion and thinking ways, can they acquire good remarks and the approval of the college and society. The teaching model of “discovering and putting forward problems-exploring countermeasures-learning new knowledge needed-solving problems creatively-draw conclusions” is established base on those methods mentioned above. This research will provide novel talents-training style for teaching in high vocation-technical college, change the old teaching method of writing down notes during the classes and reciting the notes before finals, abandon the only standard for evaluating the learning of students, eliminate the students’ inferior feeling when compared with undergraduate students, mobilize the students to learn. Make them eager to learn, instead of formerly asked to learn. Then the students accumulate not only knowledge, but also sound foundation for innovation. It is useful for them to exert their capacity to innovate. Unique ability structure of the high vocation-technical college students will develop through these methods. The high vocation-technical college education is not low-level education anymore; it is education of applied technology as important as undergraduate education. It will show its unique importance in training high-skilled, innovating talents.
Key words: innovative education; physics teaching; high vocation-technical college

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发表于 2007-7-6 18:29:39 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 18:31:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-7-6 20:11:04 | 显示全部楼层
1.“ thinking formula”是否应改为“ thinking habits”?
2“ Break through original thinking formula; overcome the limitation of inertial thinking. ”不构成句子,应与前句.“Students’ innovative thinking and innovative consciousness were cultivated at first.”衔接起来。
3.“Take effective measure ”中的“measure”应为复数。

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发表于 2007-7-6 23:19:01 | 显示全部楼层



Abstract: This research is to explore the innovative education in physics teaching in high vocation-technical college, aiming at cultivating students’ ability of innovation through several approaches. First of all, students’ innovative thinking and consciousness are cultivated via breaking through original thinking formula, and overcoming the limitation of fossilized thinking. Then, effective measures are applied to instruct students to learn different kinds of innovating method and skill, which are respectively exploring-divergent, concentrated, combinatorial, and reversal skills. Mainly, four approaches are adopted. The first one is to improve classroom teaching, create innovative atmosphere, and design teaching materials that is helpful to develop students’ innovation, paying attention to the interest and practicability of the teaching content. The second one is to encourage students to make teaching aids by themselves according to the need of teaching, improve the structure of teaching aids, and perfect the functions according to the want, so as to increase the effectiveness of experiments. New techs are brought to classroom constantly. The third is to improve experiment mode, vary from experimental type to explorative type. Students’ high practical ability is made full use, solving problems in production and living creatively. The fourth one is to do research-based learning actively, taking problems as carriers and ties, making students study voluntarily and cooperatively, discuss with others openly, and learn from others and appreciate the initiation and development of modern techniques in person. Meanwhile, we explore the respective reform on evaluation system, to make students feel that, only studying and exploring through innovative opinion and thinking, can they acquire good remarks and the approval of the college and society. The new teaching model of “discovering and putting forward problems - exploring countermeasures - learning new knowledge needed - solving problems creatively - draw conclusions” is established based on the achievement of this research.

This research will provide novel talents-training style for teaching in high vocation-technical college, change the old teaching method of writing down notes during the classes and reciting the notes before finals, abandon the only standard for evaluating the learning of students, eliminate the students’ inferior feeling when compared with undergraduate students, and mobilize the students to learn willingly, instead of to learn compulsorily. Then the students accumulate not only knowledge, but also sound foundation for innovation. It is useful for them to exert their capacity to innovate. Unique ability structure of the high vocation-technical college students will develop through these methods. Thus, the high vocation-technical college education is proved not to be low-level education anymore; it is education of applied technology as important as undergraduate education. It will show its unique importance in training high-skilled, innovatory talents.
Key words: innovative education; physics teaching; high vocation-technical college


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发表于 2007-7-7 00:19:08 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-7-8 22:22:37 | 显示全部楼层

1、Take effective measure to instruct students to learn skills for innovating, explore divergent innovating skills, concentrated innovating skills,

combinatorial innovating skills and reversal innovative skills of different kinds of innovating methods and skills.

a)skill in/at
  He was valued for his skill in raising money for the company.


c)最后的of different kinds of innovating methods and skills不知是修饰哪一个成份。建议将different kinds of innovating methods and skills改成同位语。

Taking effective measure to instruct students to learn skills at innovating/innovative skills, we explored divergent, concentrated, combinatorial, reversal skills and so on, different kinds of innovating methods and skills.

2、Improve classroom teaching, create innovative atmosphere, and design teaching materials that easy to develop students’ innovation, pay attention to the interest and practicability of the teaching content.






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发表于 2007-7-9 14:56:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-7-10 18:16:40 | 显示全部楼层
1. 并在此研究基础上建立了“发现并提出问题―――探索解决方法―――学习所需的新知识―――创造性的解决问题―――得出初步结论―――通过交流与评价―――形成新结论”的教学模式。
我觉得这个教学模式的翻译采用动名词和名词的形式比较好些,例如,“question discovering and raising--- solution exploring--- knowledge learning--- problem solving--- conclusion reaching --- communication and evaluation--- conclusion drawing”。
2. 使高职教育不再是低层次的教育,而是与本科并驾齐驱,同样重要的应用技术教育,以充分发挥出它在培养高技能人才方面的独特作用。
The high vocation-technical education is not low-level education, but an important education of applied technology as undergraduate’s, which shows its unique function in cultivating high-skilled, innovating talents.
3. 关键词:创新教育, 物理教学, 高等职业技术院校
4. 摘要英语译文的一些句子可以采用从句的形式使文章显得更加连贯严谨。

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-10 20:03:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-7-11 20:37:23 | 显示全部楼层

This research will provide novel talents-training style for teaching in high vocation-technical college, change the old teaching method of writing down notes during the classes and reciting the notes before finals, abandon the only standard for evaluating the learning of students, eliminate the students’ inferior feeling when compared with undergraduate students, mobilize the students to learn.

●如下一句,应在句前加上主语“This research”
Make them eager to learn, instead of formerly asked to learn.

Then the students accumulate not only knowledge, but also sound foundation for innovation.

●如下一句中的“develop”恐怕要改用被动“be developed”。
Unique ability structure of the high vocation-technical college students will develop through these methods.

●如下句子宜改用“not...anymore, but ... instead”结构
The high vocation-technical college education is not low-level education anymore; it is education of applied technology as important as undergraduate education.

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发表于 2007-7-11 21:03:11 | 显示全部楼层
Abstract: In this research, the author cultivated students’ innovative ability in many ways. Students’ innovative thinking and innovative consciousness were cultivated at first. Break through original thinking formula; overcome the limitation of inertial thinking
根据原中文作以下更改,觉得更合原意且无英文表达的弊病:The most important is to cultivate students’ innovative thinking and consciousness, and to break though the old thinking models.

Take effective measure to instruct students to learn skills for innovating, explore divergent innovating skills, concentrated innovating skills, combinatorial innovating skills and reversal innovative skills of different kinds of innovating methods and skills.
此句应用被动语态:Effective measures were taken to instruct students to learn skills for innovating, and to explore divergent innovating skills, ….

Improve classroom teaching, create innovative atmosphere, and design teaching materials that easy to develop students’ innovation, pay attention to the interest and practicability of the teaching content.
可否作以下更改较妥:  We try to improve classroom teaching, to create innovating atmosphere and to design teaching materials that easy to develpo students’ innovation. At same time(句子与句之间要注意连词的使用), we pay much attention to the amusement and practicability of teaching content.

Led students to make teaching aids by themselves according to the need of teaching, improve the structure of teaching aids, perfect the functions according to the want, increasing the effectiveness of experiments.
更改:We guide students to make teaching aids by themselves according to the need of teaching, and bring new techs to teaching constantly in order to improve the stucture of teaching aids, perfect the functions and increase the effectiveness of experiments.

. Improve original experiment mode, vary the experiments from experimental type to explorative type.
更改:We shift old experimental model to explorative model.

Make full use of high vocational college-students’ high practical ability, led them to solve problems in production and living creatively.
更改:Making full use of high vocational college students’ strong practical ability, we led them to solve problems in production and living.采用分词短语的形式使句子和句子间结构更紧密


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发表于 2007-7-11 22:30:31 | 显示全部楼层

  In this paper, the author tried many ways to cultivate students’ innovative ability. Firstly, it’s important to cultivate the students’ innovative thinking and innovative consciousness and break through the original thinking formula in order to conquer the limitation of inertial thinking. Secondly, we endeavored to take great measures to give some directions to the students to learn the innovative skills, explore many innovative thinking methods such as divergent thinking, concentrative thinking, combinatorial thinking, reversal thinking and so on, improve the classroom teaching, create innovative atmosphere, design teaching materials which can inspire the students’ innovative abilities and focus on the interests and practicability of teaching content.  

  We also encouraged the students to make teaching aids based on the teaching needs, take innovative approaches to improve the structures of the teaching aids and perfect their functions in order to enhance the effectiveness of the experiments and adopt the new techniques into teaching, improve the old experimental modes and transform them from validating ones into explorative ones. Taking great advantage of high vocational college-students’ high practical ability, we piloted the students to deal with the practical problems creatively in their living and producing process, launched research-based learning projects and take questions as ties and carriers so as to encourage autonomous learning and cooperative learning, permit the students to discuss freely and fearlessly and learn from others' strong points to offset one's weakness in order to make them feel the evolutional process of the modern technology and cultivate their innovative abilities. We also explored to transform the evolutional system correspondingly so as to make the students realize that they can make great success and get the reception of the school and society only to study and explore through innovative thinking and ways. Basing on the research we build up a teaching mode which is discovering and putting forward question—exploring the keys to the question—acquiring the necessary new knowledge—solving the question creatively—drawing the initial conclusion—discussing and evaluating this output—reconstruct a new idea.

This research will be expected to provide useful implications for the education in high vocation-technical college. It may be helpful to provide the teaching with new modes, change the old-fashion teaching methods, and eliminate the evaluative system which only based on the knowledge criterion. It can also enhance the students’ self-esteem; evoke their learning interests, learning enthusiasm extensively. We should put our teaching emphasis on the cultivation of the students’ innovative spirit and practical abilities, make them accumulate their knowledge, reinforce their innovative foundation and eventually show the unique importance in training high-skilled, innovating talent for the high vocation-technical college.

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发表于 2007-7-12 01:41:34 | 显示全部楼层
Abstract: In this research, the author cultivated students’ innovative ability in many ways. Students’ innovative thinking and innovative consciousness were cultivated at first. Break through original thinking formula;




thinking set

stereotyped thinking pattern

a pattern of thinking

a traditional way of thinking

confined thinking

regular thinking

其中thinking set用地人较多。


A discussion on how to break the set habit of thinking in middle school physics teaching
<<四川教育学院学报 >>2004年z1期

3、break和break through

break 作“打破”的意思时,为disobey意思。如:break the rule打破规则

而break through 作“突破”的意思时,为penetrat意思。如:Demonstrators broke through the police cordon. 示威群众突破了警戒线.


但是,思维定势是用“thinking set”还是“the set habit of thinking”,觉得都有点中国式英语的味道,不知道地道的英语怎么说,希望有高手能回答。

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ygw319 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-7-12 16:03:54 | 显示全部楼层
引用第5楼resonance于2007-07-07 00:19发表的 :

个人感觉,科技文章里,特别是摘要里被动语态的使用是不可避免的,而笔者(The author)等代词是要避免出现的。而且在摘要里,长句也不可避免。

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发表于 2007-7-13 02:15:33 | 显示全部楼层
译者一开始就用了两个过去时,cultivated, were cultivated. 这里和过去毫不相关。在摘要和评论中,作者研究了什么,持什么观点,都要用现在时,这一点,如有疑问,有大量的native speaker所写的英文摘要作为参照。
Break through original thinking formula; overcome the limitation of inertial thinking.
Take effective measure to instruct students to learn skills for innovating, explore divergent innovating skills, concentrated innovating skills, combinatorial innovating skills and reversal innovative skills of different kinds of innovating methods and skills.
Improve classroom teaching, create innovative atmosphere, and design teaching materials that easy to develop students’ innovation, pay attention to the interest and practicability of the teaching content.
Led students to make teaching aids by themselves according to the need of teaching, improve the structure of teaching aids, perfect the functions according to the want, increasing the effectiveness of experiments.
Bring new techs to teaching constantly.
Improve original experiment mode, vary the experiments from experimental type to explorative type.
Make full use of high vocational college-students’ high practical ability, led them to solve problems in production and living creatively.
Launch research-based learning actively, take problems as carriers and ties, led students to study voluntarily and cooperatively.
Led them to discuss with others openly, learn from others and appreciate the initiation and development of modern techniques in person.
Cultivate their innovating ability.
Make them eager to learn, instead of formerly asked to learn.
1.高职院校:不是high vocation-technical college,应为advanced vocational college;如果用high,也只能使用higher
2.笔者从各种途径中培养学生的创新能力: 这里不是作者去“培养”学生的能力,而是作者研究如何从从各种途径中培养学生的创新能力,原文的模糊导致了英文翻译的错误, 因此,the author cultivated students’ innovative ability in many ways,应改为the author focuses on various ways of cultivating the students’ innovative ability.
3.首选 是指首要任务,因此可以译成:The first choice is to或者It is the first choice to 或者The first important task is to...
4.突破原有思维定势 Break through original thinking formula这里的突破就是打破的意思,break就可以,加上through反而多余,因为through表示的是要穿过一个立体的东西,如突破敌人的防线。“原有”译为original,更是南辕北辙,original本意是有独创性的,和思维定势格格不入。这里直接译成break their sterotyped thinking即可,或者break them out of their habit-bound thinking.
5.探索发散型、集中型、组合型、逆向型创造技法等各种发明方法和技巧: explore divergent innovating skills, concentrated innovating skills, combinatorial innovating skills and reversal innovative skills of different kinds of innovating methods and skills. 这么多innovating skills读起来拖泥带水,冗长沉闷,建议改成:explore innovative methods and skills such as divergent, concentrated, combinatorial and reversal thinking.
6.设计有利于启发学生创新的教学内容:and design teaching materials that easy to develop students’ innovation, easy前面少个are,但即使加上are也是错误的,应说it is easy to do sth,而不是the materials are easy to...
启发学生创新也不是develop students’ innovation,属于搭配问题,develop应和ability连用。
这句最好译成:design teaching materials which may stimulate/help/benefit the students&#39; innovative thinking.
7.并注重教学内容的趣味性和实用性 pay attention to the interest and practicability of the teaching content,interest 这里使用不当,应改为 and make the teaching content both interesting and practical.
This research focuses on various ways of cultivating the students&#39; innovative ability. It first concentrates on cultivating the students&#39; innovative thinking and consciousness of innovation, and breaking them out of their habbit-bound thinking, so as to overcome the limitation of their inertial thinking. Then it deals with effective measures to instruct students to learn skills for innovation, and explores innovative methods and skills such as divergent, concentrated, combinatorial and reversal thinking, in hope to improve classroom teaching and create an innovative atmosphere. It also emphasizes designing teaching materials to stimulate/help/benefit the students&#39; innovative thinking and making the teaching content both interesting and practical.


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发表于 2007-7-15 11:24:58 | 显示全部楼层
1、Abstract: In this research, the author cultivated students’ innovative ability in many ways.中in many ways.是否改为  by many ways更合适
2、perfect the functions according to the want, increasing the effectiveness of experiments.改为
3、Bring new techs to teaching constantly.中的to改为in可能更合适
4、to make students feel that, only studying and exploring through innovative opinion and thinking ways,中的through改为by更合适
5、can they acquire good remarks and the approval of the college and society.中的acquire改为have 是否更好
6、The teaching model of “discovering and putting forward problems-exploring countermeasures-learning new knowledge needed-solving problems creatively-draw conclusions” is established base on those methods mentioned above.中draw conclusions少了new;those methods改为this research
7、reciting the notes before finals 改为review the notes before finals examination

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发表于 2007-7-15 19:37:42 | 显示全部楼层

“通过各种途径”用"in many ways"比较合适,楼上的建议"by many ways",我认为影响不大,这两个介词在这里区分没有必要。
逆向型创造技巧可以翻译为"backward innovating skills",backward:反向的。
在这里的“探索”翻译为"explore"感觉不太合适,用"probe into/grobe for"更合适些。
关于“再采取有力措施指导学生学习创新的技法,探索发散型、集中型、组合型、逆向型创造技法等各种发明方法和技巧,改进课堂教学,营造创新氛围,设计有利于启发学生创新的教学内容,并注重教学内容的趣味性和实用性”的翻译有很多错误,比如在英语中,“指导”,“探索”,“改进”,“设计”和“注重”是并列的动词,要是用在一个句子中要注意格式统一,如果拆分成几个句子要主要句子间连接。将原文翻译中,改为一个句子:Further more, effective measures will be taken to instruct students to learn skills for innovating, to probe into divergent, concentrated, combinatorial and reversal innovating skills of various innovating methods and skills, to improve classroom teaching, to create innovative atmosphere, to design new teaching materials that make for developing students&#39; innovation, and to pay attention to the interest and practicability of the teaching content.
“根据教学需要发动学生自制教具,针对已有教具存在的不足之处,采用新思路改进结构,完善功能,提高实验效果,不断把新技术引入教学之中”的翻译也存在很多问题,句子连接不好,一些words的滥用。let sb do sth,而不是“Led students to make”后面的还有"led students to study";应该将"improve the structure of teaching aids, perfect the functions according to the want"改为"improve the structure and perfect the functions of teaching aids in allusion to the shortcomings that exist in the teaching aids".
“改进原有实验方式,把验证性实验变为探索性实验”应该翻译为"improving the original experiment mode to change the validating experiment type into explorative type".该文中很多这样直译的,不注重语法和句子的连接,后面类似不在说明。
变”要我学“为“我要学 翻译为 Make them eager to learn, instead of being formerly forced to learn.
“施展创新才华”翻译为 These are useful for them to put their capacity of innovation good use.
“使高职教育不再是低层次的教育,而是与本科并驾齐驱,同样重要的应用技术教育,以充分发挥出它在培养高技能人才方面的独特作用”The high vocation-technical college education is not low-level education anymore (后添by these methods); it is an education of appling technology as important as undergraduate education. It will show its unique importance in training high-skilled, innovating talents的意思与原文有所歧义,“使”一定要翻译出来,意思通过这些方法,高职教育才会更好地发挥作用。要突出这些方法的作用,这是关键。

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