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[[资源推荐]] 走遍美国学口语

发表于 2007-6-18 00:40:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  现把对我练口语有用的USEFUL LANGUAGE 给大家打上。先打一部分,跟帖多的话我就打完,然后上传书。
Episode1:  46 linden street
Episode2:  the blind date
Episode3:  grandpa’s trunk
Episode4:  a piece of cake
Episode5:  the right magic
Episode6:  thanksgiving
Episode7:  men’s best friend
Episode8:  you’re going to be fine
Episode9:  it’s up to you
Episode10: smell the flowers
Episode11: a place of our own
Episode12: you’re tops
Episode13: a real steward
Episode14: playing games
Episode15: second honeymoon
Episode16: full of surprises
Episode17: photo finish
Episode18: making a difference
Episode19: I do
Episode20: quality time
Episode21: a big fish in a little pond
Episode22: career choices
Episode23: the community center
Episode24: parting friends
Episode25: country music
Episode26: opening night

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-18 00:41:11 | 显示全部楼层
Useful language:
1 introduce yourself
My name is……  I’m ……
2 ask for permission
May I take a picture of you and your little boy?
3 introduce a conversation
By the way
4 thank someone
I appreciate your help
Thank you thanks again
5 respond someone thanking you
My pleasure you’re welcome
6 start talking to a stranger
Excuse me
7 say goodbye after meeting someone for the first time
It was nice meeting you
It was a pleasure meeting you
8 describe something
A small canvas bag
9 compliment someone
I think it looks terrific on you
10 make suggestions
Try this(sweater) how about green?
11 apologize
I’m sorry I’m so late
I’m really sorry
12 ask for help
Can you hellp me?
13 reassure someone
Don’t worry
14 ask if someone found something
Did anyone find a small canvas bag?
15 introduce someone
Let me introduce you
This is……
16 respond to an introduction
How do you do?
It’s nice to meet you
17 correct yourself
It’s richard’s film! i mean, alexandra pappas
18 offer
Would you like something to eat?
Would you like to call home?
Can I drive you home?
19 Thank someone
I’m so glad you took the time and trouble to return(the bag)
20 respond to thanks
It was no trouble
21 Accept an offer
I’d appreciate that
22 refuse an offer
No, thanks
23 ask for help
Excuse me,can you help me?
24 say goodbye to someone you just met
Hope to see you again
25 apologize
Sorry I’m……
Excuse the mess
26 Ask for direction
Where is…?
I’m looking for…
27 give directions
Make a left turn.then walk two blocks to the traffic light.
28 make excuses
I was lost
I just moved here
29 accept an apology
Don’t worry about…
It’s fine
30 say a telephone number so someone can reach you:
I’ll be at 555-1720
31 accept a gift
What pretty flowers.
32 order something to eat or drink
I’d like the mee krob
I’ll have the mee krob
33 make a suggestion
How about……?
I recommend…
34 greet someone
35 ask about someone’s job
What do you do?
36 excuse yourself
Pls forgive me
37 ask about a problem
What’s the matter?
Is it serious?
38 express concern
I hope nothing is wrong
I hope your daughter is all right
39 ask about a past event
What happened?
40 ask about a problem
What’s wrong?
41 express surprise
You won’t believe it!
42 leave someone after a date
I had a nice evening
43 excuse yourself for making a surprise visit at a late hour
I hope it’s not too late
44 accept an excuse
Not at all
45 invite someone to enter
Come in join us
46 make a promise
I promise I won’t leave early
47 leave a group of people
I’m going to excuse myself
48 express excitement
I’m so excited
I’m very excited about his arrival
49 talk about a future event at a specific point intime
At this time tomorrow morning,grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us
50 talk about future schedules
When does he arrive?
51 express approval or agreement
That’s for sure
That’s a neat idea
52 express admiration
He’s something
53 express an opinion or belief
I think
I believe
I guess
In my opinion
I bet
I suppose
54 say two people are alike
She always reminds him of grandma.
55 ask indirectly about something
We were just wondering about this trunk(=what’s inside this trunk?)
56 offer help
Let me help you with this
57 ask for help
Would you kindly hold these keys?
58 tell someone not to hurry
Take your time
59 express similarities
I am, too
60 respond to good news
61 express excitement about a future event
I can’t wait to see them
62 say something doesn’t bother someone
Some people don’t mind being alone.
63 wish someone a happy visit
Have a good stay
64 invite someone to visit you
Pls look us up
65 accept an invitation
You name the day
66 talk about a memory after seeing something or someone
This(picture)really brings me back memories
67 express regret
I’m sorry susan isn’t here
68 say you’re pleased to see someone
I’m sure glad you’re here
I’m so happy to see you
69 wish someone a good night’s sleep
Pleasant dreams
70 Express a similarity
You look just like grandma.
71 express a possibility
I could work out in your class
72 say something is easy
No problem
It’s a snap
No sweat
It’s a piece of cake
73 say something is difficult
It’s rough
It’s tough
74 express certainty
Without a doubt
I bet I can……
75 say to telephone someone
Give him a call
76 say you’re leaving for a place
I’m on my way over
77 remind someone about something
And that includes susan
Don’t you forget
78 say something is arranged
It’s all set
79 ask someone’s job
What do you do for a living?
80 make a suggestion
Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class?
How about today?
81 propose a deal
Maybe you can photograph a class,and I can give you and mrs. Steward a month of classes—free.
82 persuade someone
Don’t you think it’d be a good subject?
83 introduce an explanation
I have to tell you something
I have something to tell you
84 react to news you expected
I knew it
85 remind someone
Don’t forget…
86 say you’re enjoying something
This is fun
87 threaten or warn someone
Just wait!
88 say something is finished
That’s it for

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