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[[资源推荐]] 西藏朝圣

发表于 2007-6-13 06:52:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Situation Dialogues 情景对话
  Part One: Fancy Seeing You Here! 意外相遇
  (The two girls chatter and snack on peanuts as they relax on the lower bunk on the hard sleeper of a train heading to Lhasa.)
  Lily: This trip to Tibet is going to be great Sabrina, just the two of us girls on a spiritual journey to the West!
  Sabrina: (laughing) Well, I'm just hoping for a nice vacation to take my mind off things actually, I'm not looking to go through a big, life-changing, spiritual journey here.
  Lily: Exactly. We need to take your mind off Paul. You know, I have to say I agree with Elena on this one – you shouldn't throw your youth away having some random guy's baby when there are so many things you haven't even experienced yet. I mean, he hasn't even contacted you; what kind of a jerk is that? There's plenty more fish in the sea, and when the time is right you'll have a baby with the right guy, who wants the baby as much as you do.
  Sabrina: Ah, well…look, let's not talk about me any more. You should really be thinking about you and Xiao Qiang's future.
  Lily: (groaning) Oh no, that's the last thing I want to think about right now!
  Sabrina: I know you, Lily, and I don't think your feelings for him are that casual. Surely a year is nothing if you care about each other and both want to make it work?
  Lily: I know, but…I guess I feel that nothing is constant, you know? We care about each other, for sure, but who knows what'll happen during the time we're apart? Things change, people change…feelings change. I know we'll always be fond of each other, but I just think it would be healthier to cool things down for a bit, and allow each other to explore other options. If we insist on remaining exclusive, one of us is bound to get hurt because expectations will be so high. And to be honest…I'm afraid that Xiao Qiang will be the one that ends up being hurt, because I know that I can't be without a boyfriend for a whole year.
  (The two girls hear a familiar voice in the next bunk over. They peer over and discover that Paul is in the same compartment. Sabrina is speechless.)
  Lily: (in a whisper) Oh my god, Sabrina, there he is! You should go talk to him, here's your chance to tell him about the baby!
  Sabrina: (in a low voice) Oh god, oh god.
  Lily: Come on, he has to find out at some point. I'll go talk to him.
  Sabrina: (grabbing Lily's sweater to stop her) Don't you dare! This is my business, and I don't want you breathing a word of this to anyone on this train, you hear me?! I'll tell him in my own good time, but I can't do this now, I'm not prepared to face him.
  Lily: Alright, alright, no need to get violent.
   (Paul notices the two girls and comes over for a friendly chat. Sabrina is subdued.)
  Paul: Hiya! Fancy seeing you two here.
  Lily: I didn't know you were travelling to Tibet as well.
  Paul: Well, it was sort of a spontaneous decision. You know Shannon, my ex?
  Lily: (rolling her eyes at Sabrina) I may have heard of her, yes.
  Paul: Yeah, well (shaking his head ruefully), she heard that I was desperately looking for her and finally bothered to send me an email. It turns out that she met this Tibetan bloke while travelling there, fell in love, and got married without telling anyone!
  (Sabrina's eyes grow round in disbelief, and she starts to frantically shell peanuts.)
  Lily: What?! That's insane.
  Paul: I know. So, I agonised over it for ages, and then finally realised that there was nothing I could do. And I decided to go to Tibet myself to see what all the fuss was about, and in a way, put my feelings for Shannon to rest, as it were. I feel like I need to see the place to really understand why she did what she did. And you never know, maybe I'll meet the right person for me there as well!
  (Lily nudges Sabrina, who chokes on a peanut and glares back at her.)
  Part Two: A Big Shock 惊讶万分
  (At Potala Palace, Sabrina kneels to pray fervently for her unborn child. Paul watches her back bent over in prayer, Lily at his side.)
  Paul: She's so beautiful.
  Lily: Mmm-hmm.
  Paul: She seems to be glowing, doesn't she? She has this mysterious new glow about her.
  Lily: (jokingly) You seem pretty smitten Paul, maybe you guys should get together.
  Paul: Well, I would certainly be a lucky one then, wouldn't I? Sabrina's one of the most amazing girls I know, any guy would be happy to be with her.
  Lily: Sabrina thinks you're pretty great too, you know.
  Paul: Yeah?
  Lily: You never know, two people with such respect for one another…maybe all you need is to take a chance and get to know each other better. Maybe Sabrina is the one true love you're looking for in Tibet!
  Paul: (laughing) Well…I'm not sure I'm really ready for another serious relationship yet, despite what I said. Besides, I really value the friendship I have with Sabrina, and I don't want to ruin what we've got by throwing caution to the winds and embarking on a romantic relationship with her, you know?
  Lily: (snorts) Right, you're not ready to have a romantic relationship, but I guess you don't have a problem with having a casual sexual relationship with someone. Why don't you just come out and say it, instead of pretending to be all noble?
  Paul: What? What are you talking about? Look, have I done something to upset you personally or something, because if not – and I don't think I have - I think you should keep out of other people's business, do you know what I mean? I don't deserve to be spoken to this way.
  Lily: Actually, you do, because you're the one who was irresponsible enough to get my friend pregnant!
  Paul: What on earth are you talking about? What friend?
Lily: Sabrina, you idiot! Remember that night a while back, when you were so drunk she had to take you home?
  (Paul is speechless for a while.)
  Paul: You, you mean…I guess I can sort of recall…you mean she's pregnant from that night?She's pregnant with my…baby?
  (Sabrina finishes her praying, stands, and turns to them. From the looks on their faces she can immediately tell exactly what has been said. In shock and dismay, she momentarily doesn't know what to say or do; she turns to run, but Paul grabs her arm. In a panic, she struggles to resist his grasp and, in the ensuing scuffle, slips and falls down the steps. By the time a stricken Paul and Lily reach her side, she is unconscious.)
  【Language Focus / 语言点】
  1. there's plenty more fish in the sea
  2. at some point
  “point”在这里的意思是“A specific moment in time”,意即“某个特定的时刻”。Lily的意思是Sabrina必须得在一个特定的时刻告诉Paul真相,而如今他们在火车上相遇,这正是说真相的好时机。
  3. bloke
  3. put my feelings for Shannon to rest
  “put…feelings to rest”的意思是“让感觉慢慢地消失”。
  4. smitten
  1260年,政教合一的西藏政权形式确立。1369年,明太祖先元璋即派人赴藏,重新任命官员并颁发新印,凡具有政治实力的地方诸教派首领均获赐“王”、“法王”、 “灌顶国师”等名号,但仍保持了西藏王位的传承必须经皇帝批准的传统,遣使册封。
  1652年,五世达赖受顺治皇帝邀请进京入见。1653年,顺治皇帝颁赐金册、金印,敕封五世达赖为“西天大善自在佛所领天下释教普通瓦赤喇怛喇达赖喇嘛”,正式确定了达赖喇嘛的封号。1713年,康熙皇帝册封五世班禅罗桑益西为“班禅额尔德尼”,正式确定了班禅喇嘛的名号,并由此确定“达赖”、 “班禅”两系传承的名号和他们的宗教领袖地位。达赖喇嘛在拉萨统治西藏的大部分地区,班禅额尔德尼在日喀则统治西藏的其余地区。
  1949年,中华人民共和国成立。1951年五月中央人民政府与西藏地方政府达成了关于和平解放西藏办法的十七条协议,再次强调了西藏对中央的隶属关系,并确认了西藏的传统风俗、文化、信仰等不被破坏。1965年9月正式成立了西藏自治区。 今天我们看到的有关西藏以文字记载的历史始于公元七世纪,也就是佛教从印度传入西藏的时期。从此西藏的历史就和这种古老的宗教纠缠交织,写就了一部独特而神秘的西藏文明、政治、社会发展史。

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