A contribution to the Strademed Studies Cycle in Milan
Dr. Meine Pieter van Dijk, Senior economist IHS Rotterdam NL and
Associate Professor, Economic Faculty of the Erasmus University
Department Regional economics and urban research department
PB 1738 H12-28
3000 DR Rotterdam The Netherlands Mail mpvandijk@few.eur.nl
Tel. 31-10-4082429 fax 31-10-4089153 private tel. 31-23-5248407
Version May 18, 1999
I will compare a study of Dutch clusters with two studies of clusters of small enterprises in West
Africa. Clusters are important for innovation diffusion. Three models explain the mechanism
involved: the flexible specialisation paradigm and industrial district concept (Van Dijk and
Rabellotti, 1997) and the technopoles (Castells and Hall, 1994). The three postulate different
mechanism as far as innovation works through. Flexible specialisation stresses the role of an
innovative entrepreneur and skilled labour working with multi-purpose equipment. Industrial
districts put the emphasis on innovation through subcontracting relations and Castells and Hall
(1994) stress the role of research and development institutes. |
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