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[[求助与讨论]] 新歌抢先听:北极星为谁亮 Ash - Polaris

发表于 2007-5-25 15:29:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Ash - Polaris

save me
i can't run this time
am i under a spell?
fighting for my life?
so far gone
can't turn it round
i feel buried alive
i am screaming out

terror in your eyes, your heart is racing
for the innocence we lost will not return
we know we can't go on
but we're still holding on
don't let me be the one to drag you down

in the silence
in the lonely night
when you're frozen with fear
when you're paralysed
too delicate
your fragile mind
it's so hard to stay
in love with life

terror in your eyes, your heart is racing
for the innocence we lost will not return
we know we can't go on
but we're still holding on
don't let me be the one to drag you down

i was fighting at your side
a knowing partner in this crime
a beating heart, a distant star
we lost all we were fighting for
all the hurt i kept within
i blamed myself for everything
for all the regret that remains
for all the pain

terror in your eyes, your heart is breaking
for the innocence we lost will not return
we know we can't go on
but we're still holding on
don't let me be the one to drag you down
to drag you down...

【成立地点】北爱尔兰阿尔斯特市(Ulster,Nothern Island) 
【风 格】另类流行乐(Brit-Pop)、流行朋克(Punk-Pop)
【乐队成员】Rick“Rock”McMurray、Tim Wheeler、Charlitte Hatherley、Mark Hamitton

“灰”(Ash)是90年代中期最出色的“后不列流行乐”(Post Brit-Pop)乐队之一。他们像“涅槃”(Nirvana)一样,将流行性的旋律和独立朋克摇滚的冲击力,以及重金属吉他结合在一起,并多次登上英国
排行榜冠军宝座。让“灰”区别于其他乐队的是他们的年龄——出第一张唱片时,他们还正是少年。他们的音乐恰到好处地表现出少年的困惑和情感。1989年,吉他手/主唱蒂姆·韦勒(Tim Wheeler)和贝斯手马克·哈弥尔顿(Mark Hamilton)在北爱兰阿匀斯特市成立了“灰”,那时他们才12岁。最初,这两个人比较喜欢“重金属”(Heavy Metal),但很快就被朋克、独立音乐、流行音乐吸引了,尤其是“涅槃”的Never Mind(别介意)对他们产生了极大的影响。1994年,他们独立发行处女单曲“Jack Named the Plkanets”(杰克命名了行星)时,鼓手里克·麦克莫里(Rich Mcmurray)加入乐队。这首歌在独立音乐榜上的成绩不错,并为乐队赢得了和Infectious唱片公司的合同。

1994年末,迷你专辑Trailer(拖车)发行。1995年间,“灰”同许多乐队共同进行巡演——包括“山羊皮”(Suede)、“恐龙二世” (DinosaurJr.)、“橡皮筋”(Elastica)等。在参加完英国的夏季音乐节后,“灰”开始在美国巡演。和Reprise公司签约后, 1996年5月,“灰”推出在美国的处女专辑《1977》。宅专辑不仅成为英国排行榜冠军,还成为当年度最流行的英国唱片。

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