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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语一笔记(59)

发表于 2007-5-11 09:40:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 15. connect  v.  连接

  connection n. 连接,关系

  1)the bridge connects the island with / to the mainland.(这座桥接连着这个岛屿与大陆。)

  2)Please connect me with Shanghai.(请给我接通上海。)

  3)He doesn't know anything about the connection between the moon and the tides.


  4)He has no connection with the criminal case.(他与那件刑事案件无关。)

  16. sufficient adj 足够的,充分的

  1)The food is sufficient to feed 10 people.(这些食物足够十个人吃。)

  2)Japan has a sufficient reserve of oil.(日本有充足的石油储备。)

  请注意区别adequate,enough和sufficient.三个词都有“足够的”意思。enough为一般用语,有时可与adequate互换。enough常用来表示数量或程度,不宜用于表示性质、质量;而adequate 既可用于描述数量或程度,也可用于描述性质、质量。sufficient与enough同义,前者多用于书面语。

  1)Do you have enough time?

  2)His income is not adequate to his needs.

  We haven't sufficient time to do the work.




  1. One of the greatest killers in the Western World is heart disease.


  A:one of +复数名词做主语时,后面的谓语用单数形式:

  1)One of the longest rivers in the world is in China. (世界上最长的河流之一在中国。)

  2)One of the most famous circuses in East Europe is coming to China. (东欧最有名的马戏团之一将来中国。)

  3)One of the most expensive cars in the parking lot belongs to Mr. Watson.(停车场里最昂贵的汽车之一是华生先生的。)

  B:one of +复数名词+定语从句时,定语从句一般被看作修饰复数名词,因此从句中的谓语要用复数形式。例如:

  1)This is one of the best films that have released this year. (这是今年发行的最佳影片之一。)

  2)Mr. Wang is one of those people who are hard to deal with. (王先生属于那种很难打交道的人。)

  3)He is one of those persons who always think they are right. (他属于那些总认为自己正确的人。)

  2. The death rate from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years.

  本句中的时态是现在完成进行时,由has (have) been加现在分词构成,主要表现以前这一段时间里一直在进行的一个动作,这个动作也可能仍然在进行,如:

  1)What book have you been reading recently? (你最近在看什么书?)

  2)How have you been getting on with your work? (工作进行得怎么样?)

  3)All these years they have been contributing articles to our newspaper. (这些年来他们一直为我们报纸写稿。)

  at an alarming speed的意思是“以惊人的速度”

  1)We are driving at the speed of 60 miles an hour. (我们正以每小时60英里的速度行驶。)

  2)He is running at top speed. (他正以最快速度奔跑。)

  3)Tom is working at it at full speed. (汤姆正在拼命地干。)

  4)He found the small town changing at an astonishing speed. (他发现那个小城正以惊人的速度变化着。)

  3. Today in Britain, for example, about four hundred people a day die of heart disease.

  在英语中die of和die from都表示“死于”,这两者之间的区别在于:

  die of 通常指因疾病、情感而死。如:

  1)The lady died of grief after the death of her husband. (丈夫去世后,这位女士也因哀伤而死。)

  2)In that country many children died of malnutrition. (在那个国家,许多孩子死于营养不良。)

  3)I'm dying of boredom. (我烦死了。)

  4)Many sheep died of starvation in the thick snow.(许多绵羊在厚厚的积雪中饿死。)

  die from 通常指死于意外的原因及不正常的原因。如:

  1)My grandfather died from a heart attack.(我爷爷死于心脏病。)

  2)She died from a traffic accident.(她死于一场交通事故。)

  3)He is said to have died from working too hard till late every night.(据说他因每晚熬夜而劳累致死。)

  4)The workman died from the explosion.(那位工人因发生爆炸而死。)

  4. Western health-care systems are spending huge sums of money on the surgical treatment of the disease.

  首先我们看一下,spend…on 和spend … in 的区别。它们共同的意思是“把…发费在…上”。

  当spend 的宾语是金钱时,spend on 后面接名词,spend in 后面接动名词,in 有时可省略。

  当spend 的宾语是时间时, spend on 和 spend in 后都可接名词或动名词,接名词时意思相同;接动名词时 spend on 的含意是“把时间花在…上”, spend in 的含意是“在…上花了时间”。如:

  1)He spends nearly one third of his monthly income (in) buying books.(他把每月收入的三分之一用来买书。)

  2)She spent a great deal of money on the new car.(她花了许多钱买这辆新车。)

  3)He doesn't spend much time on his homework.(他花在做作业上的时间不多。)

  4)She spent three hours (in )watching TV.(她看电视耗掉了三个小时。)




  spend 可接动名词,而cost,pay,take只接动词不定式。


  1)That bike cost me 350 yuan. (那辆自行车花了我350元。)

  2)The work cost me a lot of time and effort.(这项工作花了我大量的时间和精力。)

  3)Careless driving cost him his life.(粗心驾车使他丧了命。)

  4)I paid him 200yuan for this painting.(我付他200元买了这幅画。)

  5)They refused to pay us the money.(他们拒绝给我们付钱。)

  6)They spend all his earrings. (他挣多少花多少。)

  7)They spend a lot of money on advertising.(他们花大笔的钱做广告。)

  8)Two hours a day were spent in practising.(每天花两个小时进行训练。)

  9)The work took us a week to finish.(我们花了一星期的时间完成这项工作。)

  10)It takes him an hour to finish his homework every day.(他每天要用一小时完成作业。)

  5. This emphasis on treatment is clearly associated with the technological advances that have taken place in the past 10 to 15 years.

  在emphasis的后面通常接介词on,常用于搭配使用的动词有place,put,lay等 ,如:

  He places (puts,lays) great emphasis on education. 他特别强调教育的重要。)

  associate with 意思是“使…联系在一起”,“交往”。

  1)We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.(我们很自然地把达尔文的名字和进化论联系在一起。)

  2)They were closely associated with each other during the war.(战争期间,他们之间关系密切。)

  3)Rain fall is associated with humidity.(下雨与湿度有关。)

  4)They prefer to associate with young people.(他们更喜欢与年轻人交往。)

  6. …modern technology has enabled doctors to develop new surgical techniques and procedures.

  请注意本句中的enable 是动词,其用法是 enable sb. to do sth. 在词汇部分我们已有详细讲解,再请看两个例句:

  1)His patience enabled him to make the child tell him the truth. (他的耐心使他能让那孩子对他说实话。)

  2)His efficiency enabled him to finish the work a head of schedule. (他的高效率使他能提前完成这项工作。)

  7.…it causes the costs of general hospital care to rise.

  本句中cause用作动词,cause sb. to do sth. (使某人做某事),cause sth. to happen (使某事发生),如:

  1)What caused you to change your mind?(什么使你改变了主意?)

  2)What caused the boat of turn over? (是什么致使翻船?)

  1)His laziness caused him to fall behind others.(他的懒惰使他落在了别人后面。)

  句中的cost 不是动词,而是个名词,意思是“费用、开销”。

  1)The price is high because production costs are very great. (价格昂贵,因为生产成本极大。)

  2)There is no way to reduce the living cost.(没有办法降低生活费用。)

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