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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语一笔记(45)

发表于 2007-5-7 18:25:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5. Rising living costs are considered by almost everyone as a reason both for holding sales and for attending them


  如:rising prices (上涨的物价),the rising rate of inflation(上升的通货澎胀率),

  rising sun(升起的太阳朝阳)

  consider 是一个常用动词,请看下面的例句,注意consider的用法:

  1)They consider themselves to be very lucky. ( 他们认为自己很幸运。Consider to be)

  2)They don't consider it as important.(他们认为这个不重要。consider as, 用被动语态则是be considered as )

  3)He is considering moving to a smaller city.(他正在考虑搬到小一点的城市去。Consider doing sth.)

  4)I consider that one computer is not enough. (我估计一台电脑不够用。Consider+a clause)

  在前一单元我们讲到过,reason后面可以跟for, 也可以跟why,只是在for后面必须用名词或名词短语,在why后面必须用句子。请再看两个例句:

  1)Nobody knows the reason why he is so upset.(谁也不知道他为什么如此沮丧。)

  2)The reason for his going to France was unknown.(无人知晓他去法国的原因。)

  6. But beyond that, they are fun.

  beyond 是一个常用词,在本句中做介词用,意思是“除…以外”,相当于besides,多用于否定句和疑问句中,如:

  1)I know nothing of it beyond what you told me.(除了你告诉我的以外,别的我都不知道。)

  2)Beyond that, there is nothing more I can say.(除了那个,我再也没什么可说的了。)

  3)He owns nothing beyond the shabby house.(除了那个破旧的房子,他一无所有。)


  1)What lies beyond the mountain?(山那边有什么?)

  2)Don't stay there beyond midnight.(别在那儿待到半夜后)

  3)What he said is beyond my understanding.(他说的话我不懂)

  4)How he managed to find us is beyond me.(我不清楚他是如何设法找到我们的。)

  7.One psychologist suggests that people are fed up with the computerization of their lives.

  在动词suggest (建议,提议)后面可以用doing sth.和that从句,在that从句中用虚拟语气,请看例句:

  1)I suggest bringing the meeting to an end(我建议结束会议。)

  2)He suggested that the work (should) be started at once.(他建议立即动工。)

  3)Her parents suggested that she (should) have a medical examination.(她父母建议她做一次体检。)


  1)Jane's pale face suggested that she was ill (珍妮苍白有脸色表明她病了。)。

  2)He suggested that accident was my fault. (他认为那起事故是我的过错。)

  be fed up with意思是“厌倦,”相当于be tired of 或 be weary of,如:

  1)I'm fed up with his complaints(对他的抱怨我厌倦之极。)

  2)Many students are fed up with some of the dull courses(许多学生对一些乏味的课程甚为厌倦。)

  8.Many of the younger buyers say they are turned off by the poor quality of modern goods and are looking for remnants of a stringer and firmer era, when things were built to last.

  turn off是个常用短语,通常表示“关掉;解雇;避开,”在本句中的意思是“失去兴趣”,请看例句:

  1)Be sure to turn off the lights before you leave.(请你离开前务必把灯关掉。)

  2)She was turn off by the boss as she couldn't type fast enough.(她因打字不够快而被老板解雇。)

  3)He turned off the question with a shrug of the shoulder.(他耸耸肩回避开了这个问题。)

  4)This music really turns me off.(这种音乐真叫我倒胃。)

  5)A number of students are turned off by this subject.(这门课使许多学生厌烦。)

  句中的when是一个关系副词,引导非限定定语从句,也可把when看作是并列连词,意思相当于at the time,如:

  1)The meeting will be put off till next week, when all the participants will arrive from different parts of the country.(会议被推迟到下周,届时所有的与会者将从全国各地赶来。)

  2)I'll join you next month, when I will have made all the preparations.


  9. ……it blesseth him that gives and him that takes

  blesseth 为古英语动词现在时第三人称单数,相当于现在的blesses.句中的that引导的是定语从句,如:

  1)God help those that help themselves.(自助者天助。)

  2)Give it to whoever that is in need of help.(把这个给任何一个需要帮助的人。)


  1. sort through    2. come up with    3. all sorts of

  4. get rid of     5. set out      6. all but

  7. put up       8. be considered as  9. be fed up with

  10. search for     11. turn off     12. run across

  13. be of great value 14. be bound to    15. be faced with

  16. separate…from   17. in the back of one's mind


  1. urge sb. to do sth. /be urged to do sth.

  They urged the management to give them a definite answer.

  2. without adv.

  Never mind, we can manage without.

  3. instead of

  He stayed at home reading instead of going to see a film.

  4. range from …to

  The boys range in age from 7 to 13.

  5. specialize in

  He specialized in biology.

  6. at low prices

  This small shop offers goods at low prices.

  7. be likely to

  He is likely to come late.

  8. refer to

  He used to be referred to as “the Iron Man”。

  9. be known for

  China is known for its silk and tea.

  10. keep the flavor

  The vegetable cannot keep its flavor if overcooked.

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