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[[学习策略]] 四级:倒置型幽默结构

pm1980 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-5-7 08:06:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
倒置型幽默结构作者:艾临 发布时间:2007-4-2


   When Hitler’s troops attacked and occupied Paris, Picasso was holding an art exhibition there. There was a painting called Guernica, which described a fishing village leveled into debris by German troops. A head of Gestapo(盖世太保,纳粹德国的秘密警察)appreciated respectfully for a long while this abstract painting, then asked Picasso confusedly, \"Is this your masterpiece?\"icasso said, \"No, this is your masterpiece.\"
   \"A kindergarten teacher in Hong Kong was teaching children how to read. The teacher wrote\"me\"on the blackboard, then said to the children, \"This is me.\"The children could not make such a turn and said, \"Oh, that’s you.\"The teacher continued to write \"you\"on the blackboard and said, \"This is just you.\"The children seemingly understood and said, \"That is just me.\"
   \"German poet Goethe met with an opponent face to face on a narrow path. That person pulled a long face and said, \"I never have the habit of making a way for a stupid pig.\"Goethe walked swiftly to one side and said, \"I have!\"

   A father said to his son, \"The order of our generation is as follows: attending school, working, earning money first, and then being in love, getting married, having a child, finally learning how to dance, drinking wine and playing cards.\"The son said, \"Our generation does the same things.\"The father said, \"But you reverse the order.\"

   Mr. Green liked dolling up his dog and often put it in clothes with gripping fluorescence bars in the evening. He walked his dog one day. After he had eaten some mutton cubes roasted on the skewer and drunk some beer in an open-air bar on the wayside, he stood pissing into the moat boorishly. Suddenly his dog spoke up, \"These days, some dogs are more and more like men, while some men are more and more like dogs!\"

   It was said that the sophist Euclid who borrowed money but did not repay it was beaten by the creditor. Hence, he took the creditor to court. The judge asked both parties to allege their reasons. Euclid said, \"It was Past Me who borrowed money from him, so he shouldn’t have demanded payment of a debt from Present Me.\"The creditor said, \"It was Past Me who beat him, so he shouldn’t have sued Present Me in the court of law.\"
   \"After I distributed the corrected essays, a postgraduate student raised his hand. Pointing to a word I had circled in his essay, he said, \"I can’t tell what you wrote about it in the margin.\"After intense scrutiny, I finally deciphered my criticism: illegible.

   An Indian asked a sorcerer, \"Will it be especially cold this winter?\"\"It will,\"the sorcerer said. \"You’d better store up enough fire-wood.\"Having been asked this for several weeks on end, the sorcerer had a guilty conscience, so he secretly telephoned the meteorological station. An expert of the meteorological station said, \"This winter will be very cold. Look, those Indians are desperately accumulating firewood.\"
   \"Mrs. Himmler wanted to fill the bottle with milk, but she found out only clear water in the bottle and asked, \"What’s all this about?\"Milk vendor said unthinkingly,\"Sorry, I forgot to add the milk.\"

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