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[[学习策略]] 有点难的句子 语法基础不强的人千万不要看

发表于 2007-5-7 00:37:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. A lawyer would make a better statesman than a soldier.(律师比军人更易成为政治家)

A lawyer would make a better statesman than soldier.(律师更易成为政治家而不是战士)

2. He is a child of ten.

He is a father of ten.(十岁孩子的父亲)

3. He served me with a kind of coffee.

He served me with coffee of a kind.(象是咖啡的东西)

4. You love me better than he.(和you平行)

You love me better than him.(和me平行)

5. This is a photo of me.(本人的)

This is a photo of mine.(我所有的)

6. They are an industrious people.(民族)

They are industrious people.(人)

7. He is not a fool.

He is no fool.(很聪明)

8. He has no more than ten books.(只有十本)

He has not more than ten books.(不足十本)

9. He is not a little afraid of it.(很怕)

He is not a bit afraid of it.(一点不怕)

10. I ask you nothing.(没问你什么)

I ask you for nothing.(没求你什么)

11. We hadn't anything to eat.(没吃的东西了)

We didn't have anything to eat.(没吃什么)

12. This is the same knife as I have lost.(和我丢刀子一样)

This is the same knife that I have lost.(就是我丢的刀子)

13. Ask him when he comes back.(他回来时问他)

Ask him if he will come back.(问他是否回来)

14. He is afraid to go out.(不敢出去)

He is afraid of going out.(怕出去)

15. He is the only son of a poor man.(独生子)

He is only a son of a poor man.(不过)

16. I am busy at the moment.(眼下)

I am busy for the moment.(暂时)

17. He went to Beijing for pleasure.(游玩)

He went to Beijing with pleasure.(高兴地)

He went to Beijing at pleasure.(随心所欲地)

18. He presented a pistol to me.(送我一支手枪)

He presented a pistol at me.(拿手枪对着我)

19. His English is anything but correct.(错误百出)

His English is nothing but correct.(不错)

20. He is a man of family.(出身豪门)

He is a family man.(有家室的人)

21. He is too glad to do so.

He is only glad to do so.(极高兴)

22. I know him.

I know of him.(听说过他)

23. I hope he will come.

I wish he would come.(多希望他来)

24. I sent him to the doctor.

I sent him for the doctor.(请医生)

25. He threw a bone to the dog.

He threw a bone at the dog.(用石头砸狗)

26. He has nothing to write.(没写什么)

He has nothing to write with.(没笔写)

27. He has no one help him.(不让人帮他)

He has no one to help him.(没有帮他的人)

28. Have you finished your work yet?

Have you finished your work already?(已完,表示吃惊)

29. Did you do any work last night?

Did you do some work last night?(表示知道,肯定)

30. I left the window open.(忘了关窗户)

I kept the window open.(表示故意)

31. Your request is out of question.(没问题)

Your request is out of the question.(不可能)

32. The old man is in charge of the children.(照料孩子)

The old man is in the charge of the children.(被孩子照料)

33. He is a worker and writer.(是工人兼作家)

He is a worker and a writer.(是工人又是作家)

34. He asked her to keep house.(管家)

He asked her to keep the house.(看家)

35. He is a woman with child.(怀孕)

He is a woman with a child.

36. They are sitting at table.(吃饭)

They are sitting at the table.

37. He has words with me.(争吵)

He has a word with me.(说两句话)

38. They are of age.(成人)

They are of an age.(同龄)

39. We are not behind time.(落后)

We are not behind the times.(落伍)

40. They began to run in sight of this.(看见这个)

They began to run in the sight of this.(鉴于这个)

41. Anyhow, he works.(不管怎样)

He works anyhow.(马马乎乎)

42. You may as well take this.(还是收下)

You may take this as well.(也收下)

43. His speech was reported at length in the newspapers.(详细地)

At length, his speech was reported in the newspapers.(终于)

44. He kept her company.(陪着她)

He kept company with her.(交朋友)

45. He simply spoke.(只不过)

He spoke simply.(简单地)

46. They saw him through.(帮他到底)

They saw through him.(看透他了)

47. May we meet again!(愿我们再见)

We may meet again.

48. He had something to say.

He had to say something.(必须发言)

49. Aren't you ashamed to talk like that?(规劝,表示事情没发生)

Aren't you ashamed of talking lie that?(责备,表示事情已发生)

50. The soil is fit to plant cotton.(可以种)

The soil is fit for cotton planting.(适宜种)

51. We asked him to speak from experience.(经验)

We asked him to speak about his experiences.(经历)

52. It is his manner that annoys me.(举止)

It is his manners that annoy me.(礼貌)

53. He is my boy friend.(男朋友)

He is my boy's friend.(男孩的朋友)

54. You helped him, as well as I.(象我一样)

You helped him, as well as me.(你帮我,也帮他)

55. What's the time?

How's the time?(还有多少时间)

56. He went to sea.(当水手)

He went to the sea.(到海滨)

57. What kind of doctor is he?(什么博士)

What kind of a doctor is he?

58. She bought a red and green dress.(一件)

She bought a red and a green dress.(两件)

59. He thought about the problem.(考虑)

He thought of the problem.(想到)

60. He doesn't think much about that suggestion.

He doesn't think much of that suggestion.(评价不高)

61. He worked at a table.(伏案工作)

He worked on a table.(做桌子)

62. We shall not be home by six.(6点不能到家)

We shall not be home till six.(6点才能到家)

63. The teacher began by telling them a story.(故事作引子)

The teacher began with a story.(先讲了个故事)

64. Give me a glass for wine.(酒杯)

Give me a glass of wine.(一杯酒)

65. He was familiar to me.(很熟)

He was familiar with me.(很随便)

66. He escaped prison.(没进监狱)

He escaped from prison.(越狱)

67. He quotes Shakespeare.(莎士比亚的话)

He quotes from Shakespeare(莎士比亚的作品)

68. We camped there for the summer.(整个夏天)

We camped there in the summer.(夏天)

69. Cloth is made from cotton.(棉花加工成)

Cloth is made of cotton.(棉纱织成)

70. He sat on my left.(挨着左边)

He sat to my left.(坐在左手)

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