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[[求助与讨论]] 超市购物之实例双语解析

发表于 2007-4-29 21:10:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
超市购物之实例双语解析: Shopping in a supermarket
Part 1 Selecting Items 挑挑选选

  Customer: Good morning, I saw your ad in the paper. I want to see about a new camera.

  Saleswoman: Fine. Look at this one. It’s a great camera. It just came from Japan.

  Customer: Oh, yes it’s really nice. May I take a picture? I'd like to see how it works.

  Saleswoman: Sure. Just watch out for the flash. You are looking right into it.

  Customer: Yes I guess I don’t know much about camera. I am going to look to you for advice.

  Saleswoman: Fine. I’ll be glad to help.

  1 顾客说他想看看那款新式相机。I want to see about the new camera. 如果是随便看看,只看不买,那么可以说I am just looking around.

  2 营业员为顾客介绍说,这是一款刚从日本进的货。顾客想试拍,于是问:“may I take a picture? I’d like to see how it works.” 我想照张相,了解了解它的性能。营业员说当然没问题,只要当心闪光灯Just watch out for the flash. 因为顾客的眼睛正对着闪光灯呢 you are looking right into it. Right into sth 正对着。小的时候过马路爸爸妈妈常常牵着我们的手,说:过马路当心车!Watch out for the vehicles when crossing street. Watch out for sth 也就是当心, 留神。

  3 顾客说I guess I don’t know much about camera. 我看我对相机了解还不够,回头还得请教你I am going to look to you for advice. I guess I 不是说我猜测,我猜想,guess 在这里就是think, believe的意思。I guess I’ve caught a cold. 我感冒了。Look to you for help, come to you for help,都是向你请教,向你寻求帮助的意思。


  Part 1 Selecting Items 挑挑选选

  Part 2 Buying Pork 买猪肉

  Part 3 I Want to Buy Some Ingredients 我想买些配料

Part 2 Buying Pork 买猪肉

  Assistant: Can I help you, Sir?

  Andy: How much is that pork a pound?

  Assistant: 95 pence.

  Pat: The price is reasonable.

  Andy: Give me two kilos, please.

  Pat: Are you sure that’s enough for all of us?

  Andy: Oh, I suppose not. Make those 4 kilos, please.

  Assistant: That comes to 3.8 pound, sir.

  Andy: Here is 4 pound.

  Assistant: Thank you. Your change.

  1 这是一段发生在猪肉铺的对话。询问了价钱之后,Pat觉得价钱还行,这个“还行”他用的是reasonable. 价钱还比较合理。 The price is reasonable. 价钱还行。

  2 Pat 担心只买两公斤猪肉不够这么多人吃,问Andy你觉得怎么样呢?Andy 说是哦,那是不够。I suppose not 也就是I suppose that’s not enough for all of us. 最后买了四公斤,营业员结算是3.8英镑,that comes to 3.8 pound.

  3 这段对话没什么难的,涉及的也都是买卖交易的简单用语。开头can I help you 也就是您要买点什么?顾客买了东西,要对他说谢谢,这都是基本的营业礼貌用语。

Part 3 I want to buy the ingredients


  Anna: I’ll cook for my husband tonight.

  Pat: Really, do you know how to cook?

  Anna: No, but I want to cook Chinese food for him. Have you ever tasted Chinese food?

  Pat: Yes, really delicious!

  Anna: Can you tell me where I can buy the ingredients to make Chinese food?

  Pat: There’s a supermarket in Kensington High Street. They have just about everything there. I’ll come and give you a hand.

  Anna: That’s very nice of you, Pat.

  (At the supermarket)

  Pat: Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly?

  Anna: I am after things to stuff for dumplings and spring rolls with, like, er…Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts, and bamboo shoots----that sort of thing. I also need some soya sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish.

  Pat: The vegetables are over there.

  Anna: Capsicums, eggplants…they do have everything! Look at the price of these bean sprouts----65 pence a pound. Now, that is expensive.

  Pat: You’d probably get them cheaper in vegetable market. But that’s a long way to go just to buy vegetables.

  Anna: Where do I pay?

  Pat: Just put what you want in the trolley. We pay at the checkout. What else do you need?

  Anna: Where’s the fruit counter?

  Pat: Over there.

  Anna: Oh there are so many kinds of fruits; I can buy what I want to buy.

  Pat: Incredible! Peach, banana, strawberry, pineapple…there is so many.

  Anna: My husband likes strawberry very much. Besides, banana is also his favorites. Look! What a huge watermelon!

  Pat: My! It may weigh about 15 kg fabulous!

  Anna: Um. It’s 50 pence one kilo, sounds nice, we can afford that. Come on.

1 Anna为老公准备晚餐,打算做中国菜。说起中国菜Pat 也很兴奋,说 “really delicious!”,赞美食物可口,通常说the food taste nice, taste good就可以了delicious 是很高的赞扬了,说食物“垂涎欲滴”“欲罢不能”就用delicious。

  2 Anna 问到哪里可以买到准备中国菜的配料,Pat建议肯辛顿商业大街有一个超市不错,并主动提出要陪Anna 一起,给她搭把手,帮帮忙。I’ll come and give you a hand. 再例如,最近活儿多,我们人手不够We’ve been busy and lack of hands lately. 对于Pat主动提出帮忙,Anna说Pat,你真好That’s very nice of you Pat.

  3 来到了超市,先要拿个手推车,trolley,Pat问Anna具体要买些什么What do you want exactly? Exactly是一个很常用的词汇,确切的,正好的,都可以用它来表达,有时候它一个词就成一句话。例如---So she wants to sell the house and move to London?---Exactly. ---你的意思是她要把房子卖了搬到伦敦去?---对!

  4 Anna 说I am after things….我追随这些…说的是我要买的东西有…stuff for dumplings and spring rolls, Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots…她要买些东西做饺子和春卷,比如,要买些卷心菜,豆芽,还有竹笋。另外的一些配料还包括:酱油,醋,荔枝和密瓜soya sauce and vinegar and some lychees or honeydew melon。

  5 还是说到要买的菜,Anna很兴奋地发现超市里应有尽有They do have everything! 这里提到两种蔬菜的名字capsicums 辣椒,and eggplants茄子。遗憾的是竹笋的价格超乎了她的想象,Anna觉得一磅65便士实在太贵了。Pat 说要是去菜市场买可能便宜点,但是就为买点蔬菜又太远了。You’d probably get them cheaper in vegetable market but that’s a long way to go.

  Probably 表示的可能性程度很高。---Will you be coming? ---Probably. ---你能来吗?----很可能来。A long way to go 也有我们很熟悉的任重道远的意思。---Don’t be above yourself, you still have a long way to go. 不要得意忘形,你还有很长的路要走(仍需努力)。

  6 到了卖水果的地方,Anna又开心了,好多水果啊,这下我要买个够。她说Oh there are so many kinds of fruits; I can buy what I want to buy. Pat 也很开心,说incredible!真是难以置信有这么多的品种。Incredible , unbelievable,amazing都可以表达惊喜,赞叹的感觉。

  7 Anna说一公斤50便士的价钱sounds nice,we can afford that. 觉得价钱还比较合理,钱也够,就买吧!Come on!

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