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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语(一)笔记(8)

发表于 2007-4-10 16:27:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  A. 宾语从句:

  1) Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of.

  2) …but many people feel that the United States lead the world with the worst taxes.

  3) …they often feel that they are working one day each week just to pay their taxes.

  4) They often protest that the government uses their tax dollars in the wrong way.

  5) They say that it spends too much on useless and practical programs.

  B. 定语从句:

  1) Taxes consist of money which people pay to support their government.

  2) Salaried people who earn more than a few thousand dollars must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal government.

  3) Other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state.

  4) …people who own a home have to pay taxes on it…

  5) …and excise tax, which is charged on cars in a city.


  A. The New England States (6)

  1. Maine (缅因) 2. New Hampshire*(新罕布什尔)

  3. Vermont(佛蒙特) 4. Massachusetts*(马萨诸塞)

  5. Connecticut*(康涅狄格) 6. Rhode Island*(罗得岛)

  B. The Middle Atlantic States (7)

  7. New York*(纽约) 8. Pennsylvania*(宾夕法尼亚)

  9. New Jersey*(新泽西) 10. Delaware*(特拉华)

  11. Maryland* (马里兰) 12. Virginia*(弗吉尼亚)

  13. West Virginia(西弗吉尼亚)

  C. The Southern Atlantic States (11)

  14. North Carolina* (北卡罗来纳) 15. South Carolina*(南卡罗来纳)

  16. Georgia*(佐治亚) 17. Florida(佛罗里达)

  18. Alabama(亚拉巴马) 19. Mississippi(密西西比)

  20. Tennessee (田纳西) 21. Louisiana(路易斯安那)

  22. Arkansas(阿肯色) 23. Texas(得克萨斯)

  24. Oklahoma(俄克拉何马)

  D. The Central States (13)

  25. Wisconsin (威斯康星) 26. Illinois(伊利诺斯)

  27. Kentucky(肯塔基) 28. Indiana(印第安那)

  29. Ohio(俄亥俄) 30. Michigan(密执安)

  31. Minnesota(明尼苏达) 32. Iowa(衣阿华)

  33. Missouri(密苏里) 34. North Dakota(北达科他)

  35. South Dakota(南达科他) 36. Nebraska(内布拉斯加)

  37. Kansas(堪萨斯)

  E. The Western States (13)

  38. Washington(华盛顿) 39. Oregon(俄勒冈)

  40. California(加利福尼亚) 41. Montana(蒙大拿)

  42. Idaho(爱达荷) 43. Nevada(内华达)

  44. Utah(犹他) 45. Arizona(亚历桑那)

  46. Wyoming(怀俄明) 47. Colorado(科罗拉多)

  48. New Mexico(新墨西哥) 49. Alaska(阿拉斯加)

  50. Hawaii(夏威夷)


  Text B  Advertising


  1. attract attention 吸引注意

  He talked loudly to attract attention.(他大声说话以吸引注意。)

  2. for the most part 在很大程度上,多半

  These cars, for the most part, are made in China.(这些汽车多半产于中国。)

  3. persuade sb. to do sth. 劝某人做某事

  be persuaded to do sth. 被劝说做某事

  The doctor persuaded my father to give up smoking.(医生劝我父亲戒烟。)

  The young man was persuaded to take up that job.(那个年轻人被劝说接受那份工作。)

  4. a large amount of 一大笔

  He borrowed a large amount of money from the bank.(他向银行借了一大笔钱。)

  5. put out 发布,公布;出版;广播

  The article was put out in a national magazine to reach a larger audience.(为了能影响更多的读者,文章被登发在一份国家级杂志上。)

  This newspaper is put out every day.(这份报纸每天出版。)

  The weather forecast has just put out a storm.(天气预报刚刚发出了暴风警报。)

  6. be characteristic of 为…所特有,是…的特征

  Rainy days are characteristic of March.(多雨的日子为三月所特有。)

  7. catch the eye 引人注目

  The beautiful blue dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store.(她经过那家商店时,橱窗里漂亮的兰色连衣裙吸引了她。)

  8. identify with 与一致;认为…等同于;跟…发生共鸣,同情;(无意识地)仿效

  His idea identifies with mine.(他的观点和我的观点相同。)

  Never identify personal opinions with facts.(切莫把个人观点与事实等同起来。)

  All the money came from those who identified with him.(所有的钱都来自于那些同情他的人。)

  Children usually identify themselves with their parents.(孩子往往会仿效自己的父母。)

  9. carry over 继续下去,遗留下来

  The report was carried over to the next page.(报告转入下一页。)

  His habit carries over from his childhood. (他的习惯从小保留至今。)

  10. as well as 和,也

  Women, as well as men, have the right to work.(妇女和男人一样有工作的权利。)

  11. over and over again 反复

  He mentioned the incident over and over again, which really bored me to death.(他反复提及那件事,真把我烦死了。)

  12. put up with 忍受

  Both water pollution and air pollution are becoming more and more serious but we have to put up with them at the moment.(水污染和空气污染都在变得越来越严重,但是我们暂时只好忍着。)

  13. be responsible for 为…负责

  It is not yet clear who should be responsible for the accident.(谁该对这起事故负责现在还不清楚。)

  14. decide on 决定,选定

  They decided on their plan of action after hours of discussion.(经过数小时的讨论,他们决定了行动计划。)

  15. be involved in 参与,介入

  He quitted his job as he no longer wanted to be involved in politics.(他不想再介入政治便辞去了工作。)

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