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[[求助与讨论]] 初次会见客户的对话

发表于 2007-4-8 18:55:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
First Contact 首次接触

  RECEPTIONIST: Miss Miguel. You can go up now. It's the fifth floor.

  MARIA: Thank you.

  PETER: Yes, it looks good. I like the colors. Have we got enough time to promote it? That's my worry. And do we have the price right?

  PAULA: More input on the technical side would help.

  PETER: That's why I'm bringing Jens Foss over. Come in! (TO Maria) Oh, take a seat, will you? Shan't be a moment. (to Paula) Do you know Jens Foss? He's in our Copenhagen office.

  PAULA: I've heard of him but I don't think we've met. Anyway, I'd better ③leave you to it.

  PETER: Let me have the draft schedule by three this afternoon.

  PAULA: Yes, I'll get onto it straight away.

  PETER: And ④give me a ring if there are any problems.

  PAULA: Will do!

  PETER: (To Maria) Sorry to keep you. Have a seat.

  MARIA: I hope you were expecting me. My name is Maria de Miguel.

  PETER: Yes, I've got your details here somewhere.

  前台: 麦格女士。你可以上去了,在5楼。

  麦格: 谢谢。

  彼得: 哦,看起来不错。我喜欢这种颜色。推广时间够吗?我比较担心这个问题。还有,我们的定价合适吗?

  波拉: 若在技术方面多些投入会更好。

  彼得: 这正是我把颜斯·福斯也一起带来的原因。请进!(转向玛丽亚)噢,请坐,好吗?请等一下。(转向波拉)你认识颜斯·福斯吗?他在哥本哈根工作。

  波拉: 听人提起过他,但我们并没有见过面。不过,我还是先不打扰您了。

  彼得: 下午3点我要一份初步日程安排表。

  波拉: 好的,我马上去办。

  彼得: 若有什么问题给我打电话。

  波拉: 好!

  彼得: (转向玛丽亚)让你久等了,请坐。

  玛丽亚: 我想你也正等着我的到来吧。我叫玛丽亚·麦格。

  彼得: 是的,我有你的资料。

  PETER: Have we got enough time to promote it, that's the worry. And do we have the price right? Anyway, let's leave it there for the time being... Come in! Hello, you must be Maria. I'm Peter O'Donnell. Welcome to Tectron UK.

  MARIA: Thank you. It's good to be here.

  PETER: Let me introduce you to Paula Field. Paula is one of our marketing team.

  PAULA: Nice to meet you, Maria.

  MARIA: Nice to meet you.

  PETER: I'm sure you know that Maria is going to be with us for a couple of months.

  PAULA: Yes. We should be seeing quite a lot of each other. (to Peter) If you'll excuse me, I should be getting back. See you later, Maria.

  MARIA: Yes, bye.

  彼得: 推广时间是否充足,这是我们颇为担心的问题。我们的定价合适吗?这样吧,等有时间再讨论这个问题吧……请进!你好,你一定是玛丽亚吧。我是彼得·欧唐纳。欢迎来到Tectron英国公司。

  玛丽亚: 谢谢,很高兴来到这儿。

  彼得: 让我给波拉·菲尔德介绍一下。波拉是我们市场部的工作人员。

  波拉: 很高兴认识你,玛丽亚。

  玛丽亚: 很高兴认识你。

  彼得: 你一定知道玛丽亚准备跟我们一起工作好几个月吧。

  波拉: 是的,我们俩会在一起呆挺长时间哦。(转向彼得)对不起,我要走了。再见,玛丽亚。

  玛丽亚: 再见。

  彼得: 再见。

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