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[[求助与讨论]] 跨国公司从新加坡“迁居”上海

发表于 2007-4-4 01:44:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

英国《金融时报》弗洛里安•金贝尔(Florian Gimbel)香港报道

Multinational technology companies are increasingly moving their Asia-Pacific headquarters from Singapore to Shanghai in a reflection of the pulling power of the China market.

美国高管猎头公司罗素•雷诺兹(Russell Reynold)新公布的一项调查报告显示,在接受调查的100家西方国家科技公司中,有近半数仍然将亚太地区总部设在新加坡。
A new survey by Russell Reynolds, the US executive search firm, shows that almost half of the 100 Western technology companies questioned still have their regional base in Singapore.

However, the report suggests Shanghai will see much faster growth in the next few years, with increasing numbers of companies relocating from Singapore.

One head of human resources at a US technology company was quoted as saying: “We are gradually moving our headquarters northward, but there is still a strong presence in Singapore, as the company was given a tax holiday to locate its headquarters there. If we move too early, we will have to repay the tax.” The findings are likely to add to pressure on policy makers in Singapore, which has pinned its hopes for future economic growth on biotechnology and high-end financial services such as fund management and private banking.

去年,以上海为亚太地区总部的公司数量增加了三分之一,达到144家。根据中国政府的记录,这个数字中包括阿尔卡特(Alcatel)、联邦快递(FedEx)、通用电气(GE)、通用汽车(GM)、强生(Johnson & Johnson)、罗地亚(Rhodia Chemicals)、和罗氏(Roche)。
Last year, the number of Shanghai-based regional headquarters of foreign firms jumped by one-third to 144. That number includes Alcatel, FedEx, General Electric, General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, Rhodia Chemicals, and Roche, according to Chinese government tallies.

What draws many multinationals to Shanghai is the fact that China has become their biggest market or production centre, overall or internationally. In addition, companies are keen to demonstrate their commitment to China, a move that may help them impress Beijing regulators and sceptical shareholders, according to the Russell Reynolds report.

A growing number of foreign companies however are complaining about fast- rising operational costs in Shanghai, where senior expatriates face spiralling housing costs, a dearth of international schools and relatively high income tax rates.

罗素•雷诺兹驻上海的高管路易丝•戈斯-卡斯塔德(Louise Goss-Custard)表示:“如果当初意识到成本问题,一些总部设在上海的公司也许不会这么早就冲进来。”
“Some Shanghai-headquartered companies might not have rushed in quite so early had they been aware of the cost issues,” said Louise Goss-Custard, a Shanghai-based Russell Reynolds executive.

“Some local executives are now facing tough questions from their global headquarters.” Air pollution, which is an increasingly important factor in the talent war between Hong Kong and Shanghai, has little or no influence on the location decision of technology company headquarters, according to the report

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