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[[求助与讨论]] 全球汽车商“驶往”华尔街(双语)

发表于 2007-4-3 19:17:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

英国《金融时报》伯纳德•西蒙(Bernard Simon)多伦多报道
2007年4月3日 星期二

本周,华尔街的奖金似乎要比全球变暖或能源自主问题都更为重要,全球汽车厂商将在纽约国际车展(New York Auto Show)上炫耀着它们的产品。
Wall Street bonuses loom larger than global warming or energy independence this week, as the world’s carmakers show off their wares at the New York Auto Show.

The show’s organisers have increasingly targeted investment bankers and hedge-fund managers as the financial-services industry has rebounded from the dot-com bust and 9/11.

Whatever the oil price and no matter how bad New York’s traffic and pollution get, luxury and performance will trump fuel efficiency for the next few days.

“这里有许多有钱人,”Manhattan Motorcars的老板布赖恩•米勒(Brian Miller)表示,“把最新、最热门的汽车带给这里的人,他们会欣然接受。”Manhattan Motorcars是一家经销商,代理数个奢侈品牌。
“There’s a lot of money around”, says Brian Miller, owner of Manhattan Motorcars, a dealership that represents several luxury brands. “Give the people here the newest and the hottest, and they’ll lap it up.”

The show’s preview period, once reserved for the media, has been thrown open to analysts and brokers, who now make up about a third of the 6,000 visitors on those days, the organisers estimate.

Tickets to Thursday’s gala dinner, at $1,000 a head, also grant their holders a sneak peek at the exhibits. The dinner’s sponsors include Lexus, Toyota’s luxury brand, and Fimat, a futures trading firm.

在晚宴的结尾,将拍卖一辆雷克萨斯LS 600h L型混合动力车。丰田公司夸耀称,该汽车的性能相当于一辆12缸汽车,而这归功于其最强大的V8发动机,与一个混合动力系统的结合。
At the end of the evening a Lexus LS 600h L hybrid saloon will be auctioned. Toyota boasts that the car’s performance is on a par with a 12-cylinder vehicle, thanks to a combination of its most powerful V8 engine and a hybrid system.

LS 600h L是雷克萨斯在豪华车市场跻身高端努力的一部分,预计在今春面市时的定价,将达到10万美元左右。
Part of a drive by Lexus into the upper echelons of the luxury car market, the LS 600h L is expected to have a sticker price of about $100,000 when it goes on sale this spring.

雷克萨斯将在车展中展示其新型运动型汽车LX 570,该汽车也拥有V8发动机。
Lexus will unveil its new LX 570 sport-utility vehicle at the show, which also has a V8 engine.

通用汽车(General Motors)希望以LaCrosse和Lucerne系列的高性能“超级”版,为沉寂的别克(Buick)品牌注入活力。
General Motors hopes to put fizz into its staid Buick brand with high-performance “Super” versions of the LaCrosse and Lucerne saloons.

The company will also display more powerful versions of the Hummer H2 and H3 behemoths, though it boasts that the new H2 is more fuel-efficient than predecessor.

GM will seek to burnish its green credentials with three Chevrolet “minicar” concept vehicles, aimed at young urban drivers.

Infiniti, Nissan’s luxury brand, will introduce its new G37 sports car as well as a concept vehicle known as the EX. Infiniti opened a dealership in lower Manhattan last year that targets Wall Street luxury car buyers.

梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)计划以CL65 AMG吸引华尔街人士。这款汽车由其高性能AMG分公司生产,每台发动机都带有一个铭牌,上面镌刻着制造者的签名,这符合该公司所宣称的“一人一机”。
Mercedes Benz plans to woo the Wall Street crowd with its CL65 AMG coupe, produced by its high-performance AMG arm. Each engine carries a plaque engraved with the signature of the builder, in line with the company’s claim of “one man, one engine”.

Only 40 of the 12-cylinder cars will be built. They feature a paint finish that, according to Mercedes, gleams like liquid metal.

一辆AMG款轿车的售价,比对等的量产版高2.5万美元至3.5万美元。新版CL65 AMG的价格介于10.1万美元至14.5万美元之间。
The price tag for an AMG model is $25,000-$35,000 higher than for the equivalent mass-production version. Sticker prices for the CL-class on which the new AMG version is based are between $101,000 and $145,000.

But bonus-flush traders tempted by the auto show offerings should brace themselves for some bad news.

米勒表示,在其距离车展举办地Jacob Javits Center两个街区的经销店,宾利(Bentley)和保时捷911(Porsche 911)敞篷车等豪华汽车已然售罄。
Mr Miller reports that his dealership, which is located just two blocks from the Jacob Javits Center where the show is held, has sold out of some of the most popular upscale vehicles, such as Bentleys and Porsche 911 convertibles.

However, he says that he may be able to pull something out of the hat for his most loyal customers.

译者/ 何黎

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